Donald Trump planned and fomented the January 6, 2021, coup attempt to keep himself in power, telling “the Proud Boys” and others to “stand by” for instructions from him. Now, he is planning and fomenting a bloody rebellion, telling his tens of millions of followers to stand by for a “Bloodbath” if he is not returned to the White House. This came directly after he praised the January 6, 2021, insurrectionists as “unbelievable patriots.”
Yet, he is the official nominee of the Republican Party and the leading candidate in the presidential election. We know that it will indeed be a bloodbath when we get to November, because this is the degree to which we have allowed his pathology to balloon. And his losing the election would still be the option of less violence. Dangerous personalities do not have inherent limits; limits have to be imposed from without. We are seeing the consequences of our failure to set limits from the very beginning.
I warned, since at least 2018, that if Jeffrey Lieberman and the American Psychiatric Association (APA) prevented a mental health intervention for a mental health issue—as they aggressively did, counter to all Congressional momentum at the time—all other efforts would fail. Indeed, “Trump Contagion” has now taken over much of the population, placing us in a “Death Spiral.” We knew—and they knew—that we had a very narrow window to act with a mentally-impaired person in a powerful office.
However, when corruption infiltrates institutions, they end up harming more than helping, as they do the opposite of what they exist to do. Looking to protect maximal profit and to secure the greatest advantage, placing self-preservation over duty, they abuse their authority and squander their reputation to “rubber stamp” the reverse of truth (we need only look at the U.S. Supreme Court, which is anti-Constitutional, in the same way that the APA was anti-psychiatric).
This is what happened when Lieberman and the APA perverted “the Goldwater rule” to all but ensure authoritarianism, pretending that they were acting on “ethics”, when they were being the most unethical. Because a certain level of mental health is a basic requirement for politics, not to mention democracy, to be possible, we see a breakdown of institutions when this basic mental capacity is lacking.
When psychiatrists treat patients, the most severely ill are the easiest to figure out, because they outpicture or “project” whatever is going on inside of them. This happens because, the sicker they are, the more driven they are to deny that they are ill, and one way to do so is to invert health and sickness, so that they can convince themselves that the healthy are ill, not they. Recently, I happened upon a clip of Stephen Miller that summarizes exactly what is happening with Donald Trump and the so-called “MATA” (Make America Trump Again) movement.
Please read his words, below, and then their “translation”, further below:
“It is surely one of the great psychological phenomena, the extent to which this suicidal ideology is embraced by millions of American voters, an ideology that says the criminals will be released to continue to reoffend,… an ideology that says we will allow criminal migrants into the country,… then so be it. How can millions of people subscribe to such an ideology? They have been programmed, they have been conditioned through years of legacy media,… to be fed information, to subscribe to a paradigm that the Right, that the Republican Party, that the non-Left are threats to democracy,… so that the Left is the champion, the vanguard of these foundational principles. All of it lies, all of it completely the inversion of the truth, but when you have billions of dollars,… the most powerful news outlets pushing the same message for years,… people have been indoctrinated. And now they are courting new voters to keep them in power permanently.”
Now let us “translate” this to formulate the actual reality he is inverting:
“It is surely one of the great psychological phenomena, the extent to which this suicidal ideology is embraced by millions of [Trump] voters, an ideology that says [criminals like Trump] will be released to continue to reoffend,… an ideology that says we will [welcome criminal dictators] into the country,… then so be it. How can millions of [Trump supporters] subscribe to such an ideology? They have been programmed, they have been conditioned through years of [Fox “News”] media,… to be fed information, to subscribe to a paradigm that the [Left], that the [Democratic] Party, that the non-[Right] are threats to democracy,… so that the [Right] is the champion, the vanguard of these foundational principles. All of it lies, all of it completely the inversion of the truth, but when you have billions of dollars,… the most powerful [fake] news outlets pushing the same message for years,… people have been indoctrinated. And now they are courting new voters to keep them in power permanently.”
For a state so outside of normalcy, a psychiatrist was necessary to tell the public, far in advance, that his words needed to be inverted to their exact opposite and not to adjust to allowing “both sides,” for they would take over reality completely. As Donald Trump himself inverts: “If this election isn’t won, I am not sure you will have another election in this country.”
People have often asked me, what is the “Soul” in my Profile of a Nation: Trump’s Mind, America’s Soul? It is a part that will become more critical over time, as our nation enters a truly perilous phase, where we will either emerge from the Death Spiral or succumb to the Trump Contagion, now far advanced. A few days ago, Columbia DC, co-sponsored by Harvard DC and Princeton DC (and, interestingly, declined by Yale DC), held the event, “End of Rationality: The Politics of Mental Pathology.” The recording is here. Jonathan Lemire said that attendance at the event “exploded”—in fact, I was told it was the greatest draw in the history of the program—but he attributed it to “Super Tuesday,” not knowing that this is what I always experience: people are hankering for mental health expertise on the current mental health emergency, and have since the very beginning. Macmillan, one of the “Big Five” publishers, took five weeks to catch up with the explosion of our book. Multiple shows aired me to discover that I was “the biggest draw in the history of the show,” with “more views than all previous shows combined.” This is not a comment on myself but on the intelligence of the American people—whose hunger for knowledge has still not been met. We will see over the coming months if an existential crisis will cause a change in the media coverage. Until then, I will use this forum to answer some of the excellent questions that came up but only a fraction of which were answered at the Columbia DC event:
Q. Is this a problem of Trump or a problem of the institution and his voters?
A. It is one of synergy and pathologic symbiosis, where one could not exist without the other. This also means we could intervene with one and take care of both.
When Trump finally unhinged his wrath on democracy and there’s a blood bath, I hope your professional organizations finally will require a mental fitness examination prior to a candidate being allowed to run for a federal office.
Certainly, you’ll be vindicated and the DOJ will have four years to get Trump put away for life and dissolve his holdings.
Mass hysteria taking over America.