Live Session with Dr. Lee: New Series
Next Meeting Tomorrow, August 2, 2024, at Noon Eastern Time
Dr. Bandy X. Lee will hold a live session on:
“How do We Recover Our Democracy?
Democracy as a Sign of Collective Mental Health”
Tomorrow, August 2, 2024, at 12 noon EDT/9 a.m. PDT on Zoom. A paid subscription is required to receive a link the morning before. Thank you!
Dr. Lee is a forensic psychiatrist, social psychiatrist, and expert on violence who became known to the public in 2017 with her book, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President. Since then, she has endeavored to warn the American public of the societal dangers that would result from someone like Donald Trump being given the powers of the U.S. presidency. Will Kamala Harris be better than Joe Biden at addressing the nation’s mental health crisis, including Trump’s psychological dangerousness and his criminal propensities? How dangerous is J.D. Vance? Please join us to discuss the phenomenon of: The Psychology of Trump Contagion: An Existential Threat to American Democracy and All Humankind, Dr. Lee’s new book, instantly available through paid subscription or by ebook.
Dr. Lee LIVE -- Friday 9 AM Pacific
To many others & me Kamala Harris means real 'Freedom'
Thank you, Dr. Lee, for the usual notification of live meeting. I anticipate completing the reading of chapter 13 of your new book in the course of today. In regard to the American November 5 presidential elections, the change from an all male contest through the replacement of President J. R. Biden by Veep Kamala Harris has much to recommend it from a public health perspective. For the second time in the U. S. A., a female presidential candidate has the crucial opportunity to confront male dominance, male bigotry, male mental illness, and malevolence. In regard to mental illness, there is a millennia long, by creationist reckoning, unceasing, drastically damaging and destructive, exceedingly severe and incorrigibly repetitive pathology of male projection of brain tumor susceptibility onto females and other males, in order to force an impaired pattern of treatment for the far worse, male neurological afflictions, inclusive of monster gliomas, at the expense of the female and male "guinea pigs." It cannot be normal for society to talk literally or hyperbolically of gliomas the size of golf balls, tennis balls and footballs to counteract male intransigence. Because such pathology projections are incorrigible, drastically and increasingly prevalent over millennia, from the creationist perspective, society must enforce containment upon abusive males (and all persons) constantly projecting their mental and neurological pathologies onto females and other males, in disorder to project a false normal and fraudulently appear to do better through the accelerated demise of both males and females. The creationist model would envisage homo sapiens ("wise guy"??), so called, in a long age evolutionary model, evolving out of brains long before the accomplishment of the first million years, in the case of continuous male projection of gliomas and glioma susceptibility onto females and other males for heinous, unethical, lethal, self-medicating purposes. Societal male dominance, globally, in public and in private sectors, in for-profit and in non-profit entities, in states and in churches, systemically facilitates and propagates this detestable, abominable projection of macho male mental and neurological pathology onto other males and females, with horrendous, catastrophic consequences for the planet, including the relative enfeeblement of humans biologically, physiologically, and neurologically, and totalistic dependence on machinery. The dominant concept globally that, in order to progress in "life," humans must stomach all manner of systemic inversion, reversal and upside-down, in short accept pervasive lunacy on a cosmic scale, in order to appease grossly self-destructive bullies, maintains the horrifying theme that human societies must never be led by brains, but only, insufferably by brain tumors, and by "les enfants terribles," "the terrible children" despotically and relentlessly projecting such palpable pathologies. A female presidential candidate in the current American presidential contest, in the person of Vice-President Kamala Harris, presents a rare opportunity for society to return to a true normal that instantaneously shows up the abnormal and criminal, and contains "les enfants terrible," with their overgrown egos, often matched by overgrown but underefficient bodies, to enable the reception of life-sustaining therapies and treatments. G-d bless!