Below is the recording of the session on August 16, 2024, of the topic:
“How do We Recover Our Democracy?
Democracy as a Sign of Collective Mental Health”
*These videos are now public and shareable. Please also share our fundraising campaign for an all-day, major National Press Club conference, linked here.
Dr. Lee is a forensic psychiatrist, social psychiatrist, and expert on violence who became known to the public in 2017 with her book, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President. Since then, she has endeavored to warn the American public of the societal dangers that would result from someone like Donald Trump being given the powers of the U.S. presidency. Trump is challenged where he can least tolerate it: her crowd size is bigger than his! What does this mean for a man who will remain on the ballot, no matter his mental deterioration? What does this mean for an election whose results he will not accept unless he wins? Please join us to discuss the phenomenon of: The Psychology of Trump Contagion: An Existential Threat to American Democracy and All Humankind, Dr. Lee’s new book, instantly available through paid subscription or by ebook.
This video is a great help explaining to others the task of our time.
No one I speak with is aware how mental health experts have been muzzled by the media, or have muzzled themselves, from warning the public about the dangers of Trump and Trumpism. Never have mental health experts been more needed and never has their silence been so unconscionable.
I remind myself that no matter whether Trumpism is contained or unleashed, we need genuine mental health experts articulating dangers and presenting strategies for containment and healing. I'm also reminded of the story of Arjuna in his chariot who can't bear the thought of fighting those whom he loves the most and knows the best. But, with help, he learns he must do his duty while at the same time remain indifferent to the result. This is how all of us with tasks keep balance no matter the circumstance.
Thank you, Dr. Lee, for the recording of your excellent overview of events leading to this historic juncture in time, and for your clear outline of the conference in September and of tasks to be done in the cause of mental health and political sanity. You and your colleagues continue to lead the way in mental health research and in the continuing development of a positive profile of power management, and the expert identification and containment of a negative profile of power abuse.