Thank you! Keep speaking the truth. I will do my best to help spread the word. 👍

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The 2024 election will serve as the high water mark or the tide of victory for American fascism and the cadre of miscreants that are all connected with Trump and the late Epstein.

I will always despise “The Dersh” (for his despicable actions toward you) as well as Giuliani and the host of lessor legal minions that surround Trump now active in the plot to overthrow American Democracy. They make a mockery of the legal system and they plan to eradicate what is left.

Dersh’s blatant call for mind control of the legal profession is in perfect keeping of the American Fascist dream of loyalty testing and denunciation to quell not only speech, but thought.

These monsters must absolutely be stopped. 2024 is our last option to do so within the framework of current law.

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I had a sense that Dersh was off his nut 30 yrs ago when he appeared on some pseudo debate program on the weekends and then I heard about his nude bathing on Martha’s Vineyard around that time too. Like Prince Andrew he seems hypersexualized and bonded w Epstein and Trump. He defends Trump bec he needs to defend his own squalid behavior, projection I guess is what you’d call it in the psych world. ( And I’m not even going to begin to analyze his O.J. Alliance). It can not be too soon when Dersh and his buddy Trump finally fade away.

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Thank you, Dr. B for ongoing analysis & expertise.

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As always you Dr. Lee must be appreciated for your clear eyed observations, insights and analysis. The evils Alan D. abound beyond our nation. Encouraging and educating is absolutely necessary for hope of healthy functioning society. Your efforts are always appreciated and welcome. 🙏

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Dr Lee, i can't top the conclusion of Charles DeGaulle about Israel. DeGaulle is in the league of greatest statesmen like Lincoln & FDR in world history. The politicians we have today in Europe or in America are not even worth a shoe of DeGaulle. DeGaulle's conclusion was - Israel is an imperial state, Israel is an immoral state. It will always keep middle east in instability.

Coming to topic of Anti-semitism. Debate on anti-semitism in present time is overwhelmingly a creation of 'Holocaust industry'. Holocaust industry has been created as an instrument for legitimization of Israel's foreign policy in middle east. The tragedy of holocaust is invoked and exploited by Israel to shield itself from crimes against humanity.

Norman Finkelstein has explained 'The Holocaust industry' in his book by the same name.


There's huge $$$ of Israel's dirty money in US politics. AIPAC alone spends millions of $$$ to promote their favorite politicians & sink other who are critical of Israel's policies. This itself is a blatant interference in US politics but nobody talks about it.


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I wonder what Charles de Gaullel would say about Hamas or Iran for that matter. What would he say about the authoritarian slide the likes of trump and company? There are a lot of ills in the world Israel has its fair share as well as being a country that has developed technological and medical advancements. Perhaps the only country in the region that does not subjugate women, has lgbq rights etc. I am no fan of the radical right wing of any country and they seem to be wrong about everything, everywhere all at once! 🤮

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Hamas is a creation of Israel since decades. It was created to neutralize secular opposition of Palestine. Hamas is a controlled opposition.

Regarding technological innovation. Technological innovation alone doesn't guarantee the humanitarian progress of society. Nazis were advanced technologically (medicine, engineering, military hardware (Panzers & Stg44s), Rocket technology (V2s), mechanized use of force etc). And Nazis also prepared Gas chambers, concentration camps and "innovation" for mass extermination of humans.

Chinese are pretty advanced right now, actually more than the most developed nations. They have the largest high speed rail network in the world. The largest manufacturing industrial base in the world. The fastest growing semiconductor industry, Electric vehicle industry, Solar & battery industry, Nuclear power expansion etc. Yet, they also send millions of Uyghurs into detention camps. There's no free speech & other essential freedoms under dictatorial regime. Critics of regime disappear overnight. Uncountable people are locked in prisons as political prisoners.

Israel is not a genuine Democracy. Israel a theocratic dictatorship masquerading as a Democracy. Just like Iran is a (Islamic) theocratic dictatorship masquerading as a Democracy. And present Israeli regime is the most extreme right wing in decades. The dissidents & critics of regime are hounded & repressed. Israel regime is so hated that millions of Israelis are marching on the streets for change. Israel has failed in its economic policies with mass inequality (21% population is in poverty), social policies - as an apartheid state, Democratic regression - subjugation of independent judiciary. Foreign policy - imperial nature that has made it a Pariah state.

Israel is actually a mirror image of Iran in every way with exception that you can wear a bikini & be Gay in Israel. On other fronts of social & humanitarian progress, Israel is as backward & reactionary as Iran.

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Just wondering if de Gaulle, in his musings concerning the militancy of Israel, mentioned France’s history when it came to the colonization of the people of Africa, specifically the atrocities inflicted upon the Algerians. It was even after WWII so I guess de Gaulle could use Nazi atrocities as an excuse for French brutal killings of Algerian civilians who simply wanted to be as free as the Palestinians ( presently enjoy). I’m not sure Ben going to talk about Vichy France and the enablers who helped the Nazi w their genocide of the Jews. Oh yes, de Gaulle was another Lincoln or FDR because we all know how France , under his regime, freed the colonies only when it became too much trouble to govern.

Please try to find a forum where the dunning-Kruger effect is not so apparent.

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Pick one action that will make a difference. Repeat weekly.

I decided to give $27 per week up until 11/2/24 Election Day to support high school and college students to register young voters.


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SOLUTION: We need to demand brain scans for mental illness (personality disorders) starting with Congress, many of whom are the very faces of dangerous mental illness (not the psychotic disorders but the personality disorders, which are THE MOST dangerous & deadly in the entire Diagnostic Manual of Mental Illness as they hide in plain sight & commit slaughter of children). This diagnostic insanity is easily proven by an appalling lack of moral actions to protect the most vulnerable & innocent in society by the severely mentally insane Congressional Degenerates or "CDs." When these Insane PSYCHOPATHIC Congressional Degenerates -- (right after a shooting massacre of slaughtered 6 year olds, with their brains splattered across a blackboard) -- state in utter insanity: "Sorry. There's nothing we can do about it and we will not only allow this to keep happening, we will continue to sanction, allow & protect these acts of slaughter of your children to happen..." IF THIS IS NOT THE VERY DEFINITION OF MENTALLY INSANE, I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS...! Hello Congressional Psychopaths!

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OK, back to Dersh... He's Angry? Check! Arrogant? Check! Psychotic? Nope. (So... what's new? He's always been that way...maybe a little bit more mellow-er in years past, but I get the sense he's feeling like he's "losing" some of his "power.") He's getting up in age so it would be rare to start having psychotic features as a senior citizen though too many confuse/conflate dementia symptoms with psychotic features. Also, he's popping up alot on NewsMax so obviously he has to create the "blood lust/fight lust" aka "verbal boxing" for the drooling masses at the NewsMax "Coliseum." And Cuomo is willing to get into the mud at the "Coliseum" with him so... they're not going to retire The Dersh for their ratings...

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SOLUTION: Have POTUS candidates do multiple "So What's Your Solution?" Town Halls & Debates on specific mental illness topics & the impact on society: homelessness; lack of psychiatric beds; school & mass shootings; drug addictions, incarceration, etc.) moderated by professional, licensed mental health experts (who are currently practicing in the "foxholes" of mental illness). If the professionals don't want to volunteer, then allow we family-caretakers who are also drowning in the foxholes do it while trying to keep our loved ones alive/healthy/out-of-the-hospital/prison/graveyard.

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SOLUTION: Question? What's the most vital body organ in a sitting POTUS? So why not demand SPECT brain scans for psychiatric screening BEFORE we hand him the nuke codes (or god forbid) another Jan. 6th? Demand objective SPECT Brain Scans (and objective scan-based neuro/dementia testing) for ALL elected leaders! No law would get passed in time for next POTUS election, so have Biden "challenge" Trump to SPECT brain scan & Trump challenge Biden to neuro-scan-based test for dementia; Trump will either fail or turn tail & run. Naturally, 75% of candidates for Congress would fail psych. scan, but how is that a bad thing? ;) (Thank you) for your courage in speaking up Dr. Lee about all this & other topics of mental health/family issues. Gives me faith & hope that there are people willing to stand up for the truth & to protect the innocent.

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I agree with a lot of what you say. But to say Israel is a mirror image of Iran is such hyperbole. Tell that to mahsa Amini! It doesn't help your argument that you boil the rights of women down to wearing a bikini or simply not getting executed for being gay. And by the way you can speak out against the state in Israel that's where the hundreds of thousands of people come in and they're not getting brutalized and imprisoned. Come on now you make some great arguments but that kind of undermines your point.

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Your narrow definition of social/political progress is limited to freedom of sexual choice and wearing of particular dress. While these are absolutely necessary for a modern society, they alone are not the indicator of social & sociopolitical advancement of nation. A country can have freedom of sexual choice but its regime can still be ultra reactionary, dictatorial & Fascistic. The regime of a country while having vestiges of "liberal values" still commit Genocides and crimes against humanity. Russia is a good example. My own country India is actually a prime example of such Fascistic dictatorial regime.

So Israel can mass murder thousands of children but since you can be openly be Gay in Israel, it's a sign of socially advanced society?

Social advancement is measured on broad spectrum. A Genocidal regime, an orthodox religious Jewish dictatorship, an apartheid state, an immoral state on imperial foreign policy doctrine is NOT a socially advanced country.

What is a socially advanced state?

First & foremost - State should be secular. There shouldn't be any religious identity of state. Israel with its orthodox Jewish identity fails on the very first litmus test. Religion & Govt must be completely separate. But Israel Govt is filled with nutcase orthodox Jews who even talk about using Nuclear weapons.

Second - State should have rational, moral and friendly relationships with other countries. Israel is an imperial state that keeps region in perpetual instability. Israel's foreign policy by design in keeping the middle east in instability.

Third - State should have religious & social equality. Israel fails again on this. Israel has mass poverty & economic disparity. The fruits of technological advancement are reaped by top plutocrats while much of the bottom population is in poverty. The religious persecution of Arabs & Muslims is pretty obvious & i don't need to delve into how Israel treats them. Israel politicians call them human animals, & even worse than animals. Dehumanization of a specific sect/religious people as animals is NAZI rhetoric. And Israel preached it openly.

Fourth - State should have equality of gender, sexual choice, freedom of speech, expression etc etc. While you can be Gay in Israel, but Israel still fails. Those who confront the inhuman and barbaric Israel's policies are politically persecuted & treated with violence. Even orthodox Jews who are condemn Israel's policies are given the stick - so freedom of expression is limited in Israel. The position of Women is better than Muslim countries but women still complains that ultraorthodox structure of state discriminates against them. This is not entirely surprising because religion is itself a backward social phenomenon & discriminates against women. Some religions like Islam are much more discriminatory than others. So gender equality is also problematic in Israel.

My rule of thumb is pretty simple. To judge whether a nation is socially advanced or not - the very first thing i look for is the secular structure of state. Everything comes after. A country's identity tied to a religion (of any kind) can never be truly socially advanced. Religion is irrational relic of old age & those states which integrate it into their political structure are regressive states.

Edit - You mentioned that hundreds & thousands of people come to Israel. If by that, you mean Israel's policy of natural citizenship to foreign Jews, then you should know that it's ILLEGAL in present system. Israel invites these foreign settlers & give them occupied territory. These Fascist settlers (Fascist because they are armed & kill Arabs) have created so much terrorism in occupied west bank that even Biden is forced to condemn this.

Imagine that US inviting all Christians to come for natural citizenship and they are settled on territory of Canada & Mexico. Armed (naturalized) American citizens stealing Canadian & Mexican territory & killing Canadian citizens. This is analogous what Israel does with settlers it's inviting to country.


Israel's entire state policy is strategy of tension. Keeping country & region in perpetual instability and conflict. This polar opposite of socially stable country.

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Sorry if I didn't make myself clear. hundreds of thousands of Israelis are in the streets protesting the far right government and the judicial takeover by the fascistic regime! I agree with you 100% on that. But 100,000 people can gather in the streets to protest and not be given the stick! Try that in Iran try that against Hamas!

If Hamas had the ability to do so they'd be wiping out the Israelis with no pretense and no apologies. They just don't have the means to do it. That's the only thing that's preventing it!

Come on let's get real! I'm not arguing with you about 90% of what you're saying. The radical religious on both sides are the reason there can't be any peace.

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Excellent again. I've commented that ruthlessness like shown by Dershowitz's behavior gets a lot of traction but, like Dr. Lee points out, fails in the long run. Moreover, as she also notes, a lot of harm is tragically done to a lot of innocent people in the meantime. People must be protected from clearly dangerous behavior (including speech). About the nation of Israel itself, which has every right to exist, the critically important point is the *means* by which its leaders use to defend and protect it. Such nuance is lost in the emotionally-laden situation of the Middle East in general, where people need to be clear about the complex issues involved and how to resolve them. Until all countries particularly in that area can prioritize secular law (as involving equal justice) and the right of every nation to live in peace with each other, then the leaders of Israel have a responsibility to defend that country though in ways that are as morally justified as possible. I've been glad for the courts in the U.S. ruling on cases--such as those trumped-up voter fraud ones (pun intended)--where reasoned argument, based on evidence (not just dangerous, emotion-laden opinion) have been demonstrated. It's something for the protection of everyone. However, an important and ominous, recent exception is the travesty of justice involved in those rulings against Dr. Lee. Hence, the importance of her continuing to call out injustice where she has been its casualty herself--ironically proving her point about the spread of Trump dangerousness--and on the behalf of others at risk of it.

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