felt that way at the time… thought it was extremely brave. kudos- hope your sacrifices are recognized as serving the greater good in the end, as I know that has been your intention.
Damn. Yes! You are...I never thought of your efforts in this way. I realize from all you’ve done that being a whistleblower is lonely and endangering. (Maybe my comment is projection, but I am grateful for you.)
I just watched Deadline WH and the interview by Nicole Wallace with journalist Masih Alinejad. A plot to kill Masih was thwarted last week. She is an Iranian journalist who’s exposed the horrors of the terrorist organization The Revolutionary Guard in Iran. She spoke of the power of women to message, including Nicole Wallace who centers atrocities against humanity during her show.
Dr Lee, keep blowing that whistle. You can't blow it loud enough. Hopefully people will start paying attention. Thanks for all you do.
You are a messenger, Dr. Lee, and, in the short run, messenger's get all the arrows, as you now know.
felt that way at the time… thought it was extremely brave. kudos- hope your sacrifices are recognized as serving the greater good in the end, as I know that has been your intention.
Damn. Yes! You are...I never thought of your efforts in this way. I realize from all you’ve done that being a whistleblower is lonely and endangering. (Maybe my comment is projection, but I am grateful for you.)
I just watched Deadline WH and the interview by Nicole Wallace with journalist Masih Alinejad. A plot to kill Masih was thwarted last week. She is an Iranian journalist who’s exposed the horrors of the terrorist organization The Revolutionary Guard in Iran. She spoke of the power of women to message, including Nicole Wallace who centers atrocities against humanity during her show.