I completely agree, Bandy … I remember the early phone calls with you in 2017 where we specifically spoke about the kind of intervention individuals request when a family member is exhibiting signs of being "a danger to themselves or others." You spoke about this with congressional leaders shortly thereafter.

I have personally called my congressional representative and senators multiple times and continue to do so, expressing the need for mental fitness exams for people in high office whose behavior affects millions.

TFG manifests in observable behavior ALL the symptoms on the Hare Psychopathy Inventory. He clearly fomented a violent insurrection which could have been much more horrendous had it not been for the quick and solid response of the Capitol police.

There is definitely a veil of pathological denial in the minds of many Americans and even many journalists who just cannot allow themselves to believe that a dangerous ConMan was occupying the presidency of the United States and continues to occupy almost every minute of the news cycle.

Milton Meyer, in his book about Germans under Hitler, They Thought They Were Free, quotes two maxims: "Resist the beginnings" and "Consider the end." But, he says, "One must foresee the end in order to resist, or to even see, the beginnings."

In our country, so used to elections every 2 to 4 years, many people cannot imagine an end to these democratic activities. And many others foolishly embrace it as they follow, hypnotically, in the footsteps of a pathologically megalomaniacal would-be tyrant who threatens us daily with images of the colossal rage he will unleash if we don't bend to his will and give him what he wants.

To break through this pathological denial, those of us who can see "the end," must continue, as you do, Bandy, to speak to this issue on a daily basis, everywhere and in any way we can.

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Almost all Public Servants take the Oath - To support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; l take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. Anyone who follows this man has violated their Oath and should be ashamed. Please read this body of work which should be put front and center, because it is this network that has allowed this to expand. Q is not a fringe group, it is a terrorist organization. This piece looks at the ethno aspects.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10325789/

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Thank you Bandi! Your analysis is exactly what is needed now, and what has been disastrously missing in the national, even international ether. I was unaware of your efforts in 2015, but I had pulled out my dad’s dusty old book collection which included mein kampf and The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. The similarities of Hitler and trump were astounding. I’m now convinced that it is by no means by accident. He sees the gullibility in others and capitalizes on that in a truly evil way.

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Great column today.

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This sickness from Trump is spreading far and wide by many media and social media avenues. The most troubling aspect is how it seems many actively seek it out. THEY WANT IT. This continuous diet of evil can only lead to destruction. As one person noted in the comments, “voting doesn’t seem enough.” I agree. I feel quite powerless and “barbarians at the gate” are increasing at an exponential rate.

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We have a member of 'Moms for Liberty' in comment section.

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Dr. Bandy Lee's correspondent is correct that her courageous stand for principle and for unflinching psychiatric fidelity ensures a continuing spiritual legacy. In the Bible, verses such as John 5:17 and John 17:3 assure believers that positive responsiveness to the voice of God immediately confers entry into eternal life, which is both ecstatic and endless, notwithstanding the tenuous thread between time and eternity. In regard to the social scourge of violence, it's defeat is existentially predicated upon prevention of violence toward women and children. For various complex reasons, it will not be possible to make substantial progress in reducing human to human, person to person violence, unless adequate progress is made against violence toward women and children. G-d bless!

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In support of what you say about Trump and his dangerousness, I just a review of a book in the New Yorker by Timothy Ryback about Hitler and the Nazis. The review is by Adam Gopnik. The similarities between 1932 Germany and 2004 US are very clear: a man who even many of his supporters see as a clown, who is very narcissistic, hating democracy and a liar. And how many powerful people thought they could use him for their own ends and then get rid of him. Things are even more dangerous here, though, because Hitler's party never got near 50% of the vote in any local election, unlike the Republicans, who do get more than 50%, especially in the Southern states and are in a Trump cult. So Hitler did not grab power; he was given it.

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Thank you again, Dr. Lee. I just wrote to the WMHC group and attached a NY Times essay that details how Trump is also like a mob boss--especially as he's bragged about comparing himself with Al Capone! Very, very dangerous, with his cult following (voters!) beyond rational reach. Vote Blue!

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Dr. Lee, thank you so much for explaining this in detail. Trump is dangerous, and it is up to each of us to say so and keep him out of office!

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A letter from me to me in May 2016.


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This is unethical and maybe illegal. Please be more responsible.

APA’s formal response came in 1973 with the adoption of Section 7.3 in the Principles of Medical Ethics with Annotations Especially Applicable to Psychiatry, which became known as the Goldwater Rule.

The rule applies to public figures and states: “[I]t is unethical for a psychiatrist to offer a professional opinion unless he or she has conducted an examination and has been granted proper authorization for such a statement” (see sidebar).

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Dr Lee. What can we as citizens do? It’s very frustrating. Feels like voting is not enough.

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