💥💥💥 "the political, military, & media structures seemed unprepared for so mentally-impaired a commander-in-chief. This is understandable, since most people are unaccustomed to dealing with psychological disorder on a daily basis... & are apt to underestimate what they are seeing by interpreting it in normal terms."

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Everything, EVERYTHING, that Dr. Bandy Lee has devoted her scholarly and brilliant writing to foretelling, throughout, and necessarily continuing to present about the horror of the Donald Trump presidency has not received anywhere near the degree of priority attention Dr. Lee so rightfully deserves. It is also, so horrible that in this present (and the last) decade that such an otherwise highly respected institution as Yale University once was, has turned a blind eye, and continues to beat around the bushes endlessly, ALLOWING the potential annihilation of the human species and the Earth itself to go unadhered to. I'm terrified of the possibility of another Trump presidency. I don't know how I would ever continue living in the United States if that happens. Dr. Lee is so obviously more than qualified to pay attention to, as she has about the best overall wheel of realistic understanding and summary of the ongoing, escalating threat to the United States and the world. I can't help but to admit my human being life experience bias that many mostly powerful white men are just not "getting it", or, just believe their manly rule of law is more important than survival of our democracy, our own species and our planet. Gee whiz, I guess, at least I'm glad I can continue consuming 100-200 books a year without fear of incarceration because I don't live in Florida. Thank you Dr. Bandy Lee, for never giving up. You'll always have my support.

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Liz Martin cont'd: I just wanted to mention that in no way am I biased towards men. With all brothers, I grew up in boyland, and have friendships with all genders that share a similar frustration with the current state of the US.

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Points well taken Dr. Lee, as usual.

However, what has changed since you published your book(s)? If anything, the situation is worse, horrific in fact. I look up and see that I am one of 20 "likes" of your article, and only 7 people have bothered to comment on this really important piece.

Millions of Americans need to see this. The people you talk about, the General Kellys, the Miles Taylors, EVERYONE not in the MAGA cult, needs to read this and they need to start speaking out, loud and clear. Louder in fact.

What do we do? Do we petition the APA and Jeffrey Lieberman to take the muzzle off you? Do we petition Congress? The non-right wing media? Maybe we should learn from the Israelis and start massive public protests with the intention of saying to the world "We, the MAJORITY of Americans who can read and write, think that Donald Trump is mentally unfit and dangerous to even run for President, much less win the office?"

He is unfit for hundreds of reasons, not to mention the blood on his hands already (see COVID mortality stats, deaths in northeastern Syria, and eastern Ukraine BEFORE the war). We are standing by watching while a twice impeached, thrice indicted (so far, more on the way) leads in the polls of Republican primaries. It's worse than outrageous.

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I totally agree with ALL of the above. All of us who are aware can spread this newsletter far and wide, quote Dr. Lee in letters to the editor, on our Facebook pages and other social media platforms, etc. Every pebble in the pond will eventually have an effect.

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From Oppenheimer's Remorse to Balance of Power to Mutually Assured Destruction, it is truly and terribly ironic that a malignant narcissist with the nuclear football in his hands again is our greatest fear. We are so grateful for your prophetic insight and pray that humankind is listening.

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I've stated it already--Dr. Lee will also be vindicated by history as someone who can very well be regarded as a hero for our times. For the rest of us, we must *vote* and encourage as many people as possible to vote, too--people among the genuine majority (according to many credentialed surveys) who aren't Republican, don't want what they advocate, and have been "never Trumpers." This voting should accordingly be for candidates with integrity and for the common good (i.e., non-Republican!).

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Our advancement in Science (& Nuclear weapons) far outpaced our advancement in polity and social understanding. Or shall i say our advancement in polity & social understanding is far lagging behind our advancement in Science. Throughout countless centuries, we made lesser progress as a society but we progressed enough to build weapons that can annihilate our very world.

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As always, we are all grateful to Dr. Lee for what she has accomplished.

While agreeing with nearly everything she says in the current newsletter, one must observe that the threat of nuclear war did not spring full-blown from the head of one pathetic little man. It is the US that developed nuclear weapons. It began to do so, understandably, because of the threat that Nazi Germany might do so. But even when US leaders knew that Germany was not going to succeed, they finished creating the atom bomb anyway. The gift of nuclear weapons was bestowed on the human race by the US, whose purpose in doing so was to dominate other nations with its capacity to annihilate them with massive, irresistible violence. This was the work of a liberal Democratic president.

The US also has the distinction of being the only nation ever to use nuclear weapons on human populations,. Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, said there was no reason to drop atom bombs on an already-defeated enemy. Dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was one of the greatest war crimes in history (and was also racist). It was committed by a Democratic president. The function it served was to demonstrate irresistible US military dominance to the world, particularly to the USSR and Europe.

Going back decades, major political figures, together with others in the political realm, have petitioned the US to eliminate nuclear weapons from the earth, as being both unusable and an unacceptable threat to humanity. US leaders have always failed to do so, as if nuclear weapons are an inevitable, intrinsic part of human life. The reason they fail to do so is that they want the weapons because of the power it gives them. The US has boasted about being a “superpower” since WWII, and no one fails to understand that the jewel in the crown of US superpower status is its capacity to destroy all life on the planet—or in any country the US chooses to target—at will and in the next twenty minutes. This has been a permanent feature of US policy through both Democratic and Republican administrations.

There have been a great many instances in which the inadvertent launch of nuclear warfare has been only narrowly avoided. A former head of the Strategic Arms Command (formerly responsible for airborne nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles) said that it was only through a “miracle” and “divine intervention” that such an accident has never occurred. The mere existence of nuclear weapons makes the possibility of accidental nuclear war an inescapable fact of modern life. This has been a permanent feature of US policy under both Democratic and Republican administrations.

This situation has been called “insane” by a great many people since it began three-quarters of a century ago. The world, led by the US, has chosen to continue being insane, and to go to great trouble and expense to do so.

In a previous newsletter, Dr. Lee quoted President Biden to the effect that the use of nuclear weapons as a result of the current war in Ukraine is quite possible. US officials now speak of “limited nuclear war,” which is their unintentional euphemism for global nuclear annihilation. Biden, as Vice President, was one of the major engineers of the brutal and illegal 2014 coup in Ukraine that removed President Yanukovych as president. Yanukovych was removed because he was maintaining Ukrainian neutrality and keeping Ukraine out of NATO. As American presidents have done in so many countries, Biden illegally and violently helped replace Ukraine’s president with a US-sponsored president who reversed his predecessor’s policies. However, Ukraine’s neutrality and absence from NATO is an absolutely necessary condition for peace. (Putin will never allow Ukraine to be absorbed into the US military alliance, and Ukraine cannot defeat Russia: Ukraine’s vaunted “spring offensive” has obviously failed, since it is now July and Western propaganda has fallen silent about it; Russia has never even gone onto a full war-footing; the West is running out of armaments to give Ukraine; and the Russian economy, which the US was going to cripple, is expected to grow this year.) In late August 2021 Biden withdrew from Afghanistan, our proxy war there having served its purpose, with hundreds of thousands having been killed and the country plunged into ever-deepening misery. Biden did what the US always does with those it has finished using in its proxy wars, showing his contempt for our erstwhile allies and his indifference to their lives with his chaotic withdrawal, leaving thousands to the mercies of our erstwhile enemies—while proclaiming that he had accomplished the withdrawal successfully. Now it was on to the next US proxy war. A couple of weeks later, in early September, Biden announced his intention of bringing Ukraine into NATO, and he thereafter scrupulously avoided every chance to prevent the inevitable violent consequence of this deliberate provocation of Russia, which invaded Ukraine five months later. From the beginning of the war, Putin has continued to announce “red lines” whose crossing might lead him to use nuclear weapons. The US-led NATO forces and Ukraine have continued to cross these red lines. Like a deranged teenager on drugs driving his car ninety miles-an-hour toward his oncoming counterpart, the US keeps crossing Putin’s red lines, as if to say, “Gee, Putin didn’t launch nuclear weapons this time, let’s see if he’ll launch them when we cross the next red line.”

In this context, Biden’s statements on the possible use nuclear weapons in Ukraine mean that he regards the very possible annihilation of every living creature on the planet as an acceptable risk for the sake of subjecting Russia to complete military domination by the US. Global US imperial domination has been the goal of the megalomaniacal, bloodthirsty neoconservatives who have driven US war policies since the nineteen-eighties, engaging in one murderous criminal war after another. Biden has done dirty work with and surrounded himself with these neoconservative monsters, and is either one of them or captive to them. He has not merely normalized malignancy, as Trump has, he has normalized the deliberate extinction of the human race in the pursuit of the fantastic, megalomaniacal goals of these psychopaths.

Donald Trump, in contrast, is the only Western statesman who has publicly denounced US war policy in Ukraine. He said the following in October 2022 (as reported in the Independent).

“’With potentially hundreds of thousands of people dying, we must demand the immediate negotiation of the peaceful end to the war in Ukraine, or we will end up in World War III and there will be nothing left of our planet all because stupid people didn’t have a clue,’ he told supporters at a rally in Arizona.

“‘They really don’t understand … what they’re dealing with. The power of nuclear. They have no idea what they’re doing,’ he added.”

Which one is the sane one, and which one is the crazy one here? Biden or Trump?

In addition, as Dr. Lee has stressed, violence is primarily a social, not an individual phenomenon. Trump has insane ideas about military violence, including nuclear war. But psychopathic contagion works both ways. It is the US military and national security establishment whose insanity infected Trump with his ideas about military violence in the first place. If we did not have the military and national security establishment we have, there would be no source and no vehicle for Trump’s insane military ideas.

Concerning the effort to deal with this situation, Dr. Lee writes about the need for “the input of mental health experts” into “political, military and media structures” concerning “the psychological dangers of Donald Trump as president.” Unfortunately, the party that created the problem in the first place is those same “political, military and media structures.” The military and national security establishment that is now threatening the world with total annihilation has been created and maintained with the virtually unanimous consent and cooperation of the politicians in both political parties, left, center, and right, as well as the media, corporations, and universities. The existing US power structure has spent the last three-quarters of a century building the Doomsday machine, in the interest of asserting dominion over all the peoples of the world, which is now threatening to blow up the world. This power structure has deliberately provoked this war in the interest of asserting “unipolar” dominion over all the peoples of the world. This power structure is now led not by Donald Trump, but by Joe Biden, supposedly the sane one of the two, who bears more personal responsibility for creating and continuing this terminally insane situation than any other human being.

Appealing to one group of lunatics in the asylum instead of another cannot save us, particularly when it is not necessarily easy to say which group is crazier. Only the American people can save themselves. They succeeded in significantly obstructing the murderous military juggernaut during the War in Vietnam, though it took years to build the opposition while the slaughter was underway. Unfortunately, the machiavellian neoconservative who run US war policy have now more successfully and thoroughly infected Americans with war psychosis than they have probably ever been since WWII.

In a still larger context, America has always, like Rome, been dedicated above all to the power, glory, and riches of war and empire. This is a cultural issue that encompasses every aspect of our civilization. Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden represent immediate, particular threats to the existence of the human race, which must be addressed. But they cannot be addressed without taking into account the larger history in which Trump, Biden, and Putin are merely three minor actors.

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Bandy, I'm so glad you wrote about John Kelly reading the first edition of "Dangerous Case" and using it as a guide to calming and containing Trump's most grandiose and dangerous impulses. We absolutely have you, your colleagues, John Kelly, Miles Taylor, et.al. to thank for keeping the world safe from the pathocracy that had taken over the White House.

We must continue to educate the public, journalists, TV news and talk-show hosts, etc. regarding the difference between candidates who have the capacity to genuinely care about other people and those who are indifferent to the suffering of others. Even without using diagnostic categories the general public can learn the difference by observing a candidate's behavior; how they vote, who funds their campaigns, whose interests they protect, etc. Candidates who express things like, "I alone can fix it," are not exhibiting self-confidence, they're exhibiting pathological grandiosity. Traits like this can be found in all violent dictators and noticing the signs of dangerous personality formations can help the general public avoid being gaslighted by charismatic manipulators.

I jumped on your book the minute I heard about it and the ones that followed as well. I'm certainly glad John Kelly did too! I wish courses on dangerous personalities could be taught by you and other colleagues at journalism schools and in poli-sci classes everywhere.

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Watched Oppenheimer when it opened here. There are parallels to our current political situation. The important lessons for me were not about nuclear bombs but about how some men - - - and the few women - - - react when science hands them a button that can end the world as we know it, and ourselves along with it. The specter of Trump holding that same button today kept flitting through my mind. It needs a philosopher king to handle that kind of responsibility, but we chose a sociopath instead. The doomsday clock is ticking faster and faster.

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