NONE of the orange baby man's clown show would be happening if he was disqualified day one after forensic psychiatrist Dr Bandy X Lee's report of the FIVE DANGEROUS MENTAL PATHOLOGIES of Donald Trump.
Exactly!! When a health professional steps away from the tribe they risk critique and banishment. Meanwhile, if you go online and see an article that is of interest it brings you to a paywall requiring you be a professional and member of a group or society to read it; or pay for it outright. I do not believe Dr. Bandy X. Lee should be concerned and hope that a professional of her character and courage is not concerned. Character and intent can be read and when truth speaks to power it is heard.
None of these nominees are competent and must be opposed, flat out opposed.
Everything Trump does is motivated by a need to be surrounded by mirror-like reflections of himself. Everyone in his world must subordinate themselves to his will and behave like the “good mother” he never had; someone whose primary preoccupation is the well-being of her infant, someone who mirrors back to the baby the baby’s own need to feel loved and valued.
He only nominates people who demonstrate this mirroring capacity. Remember the scene in his first cabinet where everyone went around extolling Trump's virtues and expressing their gratitude for being able to be in his presence. And Trump beamed like a baby who's adoring mother’s eyes light up as she lovingly gazes at him.
This is exactly what baby Donald never got at the appropriate, developmental stage of infancy and toddlerhood. His nominees aren't qualified to do anything but beam lovingly at Trump and keep his fragile sense of self-esteem glued together at every moment. That's what HE requires, but it's not what the rest of us need. That's why they all must be opposed and why he can't be negotiated with... his fundamental character is organized around these primitive unmet needs. You can't negotiate or "reason" with an unconscious, archaic need.
However, his every impulse must be opposed because he has no capacity to care about anybody but himself, ever. And it's this incapacity that ends up appearing to the rest of us, as "evil."
Well-stated, Madeline. What I find particularly intriguing and perplexing is whether and how we, as observers and sufferers of Trump’s behavior, can know where and how to measure that quotient of his moral consciousness, however minuscule, that apprehends the existence of social norms and enables him to discern right from wrong, with even a skosh of self-awareness. In other words, assuming that Trump is essentially an admixture of malignantly narcissistic psychopathy and human evil, how do we best perform the moral accounting, differentiating between the voluntary and involuntary? But is such an exercise even necessary to motivate and justify exigent political and social action, preferably nonviolent, in response to his depredations?
Hi Ken, I'll try to explain my perspective although you certainly don't have to see things my way.
In my opinion, character structure is formed in the first 3-5 years of life and is shaped by the patterns of human interaction any given child chronically witnesses and is subjected to. From what I've read and observed, Donald was deprived of any continuous, reliable source of empathy or affection. He had no inner sense of relational security with either parent and had to compete with siblings for attention.
Later in life, he was trained by Roy Cohn, another person with a single inner motive: dominate others. Consequently, Trump treats all interactions as if they are competitions and he MUST be the "winner" because his father and Cohn drilled that into him.
I don't see people as "evil." I see people like Hitler, Trump, Putin, etc. unconsciously replicating patterns of interaction that they experienced as children and have perfected and exaggerated to protect themselves from feeling powerless. All were traumatically abused and emotionally neglected. They grew up with an intense need to avenge the powerless little boy they once were, by dominating and even eradicating ANYONE who doesn't bow down to them. One can certainly see their behavior as "evil" precisely because they have no conscience, no capacity to "feel for" others...only a deep, intense need to dominate.
What I suggest is that each of us, the press, other politicians, the public, etc. can play a role in saying NO to every impulse Trump has, every nomination, every policy, every action, etc. precisely because we know he has NO CAPACITY to make decisions based on other people's needs and feelings.
He can't change nor be changed. We needn't figure out if he's coming from a kind or "evil" place...he's always maneuvering to aggrandize himself and rid himself of people who don't subordinate themselves to him; women, Democrats, immigrants, etc. Our task is to form a cohesive citizenry that OPPOSES him at every turn, making it harder for him to carry out his hurtful, harmful, sociopathic plans.
There is a reason that the first commandment prohibits idolatry. Personal and collective narcissism is the idolatry where baseline human confusion begins its transition into evil.
Idolatry is thankfully transparent. But narcissism gives idolatry cloud cover making it hard to identify. Collective narcissism is what we are seeing coming at us with the next administration. Confusion is not an issue for me. But anxiety to the point of distraction and the sense I am trapped is how I feel.
America has chosen to dance with the devil. And, like others down through history who've trusted ogres the price to be paid is immeasurable. The Book tells us there's nothing new under the Sun and the current state of affairs proves it beyond doubt.
The orange puppet master will continue to cannibalize and consume everyone who foolishly trusts him--without exception. He cannot go against his nature! John 10:10.
On the positive side, the Creator is not like a fickle human being and warnings authored before the beginning of time will continue to ring true with devastating accuracy each time mankind decides to create and worship idols. Every single time.
There is a universal law that cannot be ignored or conquered, which is entitled "sowing and reaping." Sooner or later the pendulum will swing back to a starting point ("The First Turn" is an excellent reference) and the person(s) deeming to visit evil against others will become powerless to stave off destruction.
Have we not seen this in the past with evil leaders throughout history? We're living in a remanufactured version of every mistake humanity has made in the past and a duplication of what Jim Jones became when he moved his deceived people to Jonestown, Guyana. We
are living in Ruby Ridge and Waco with the same type of evil persona at the helm.
Everyone who believes they're safe is deceived and will be consumed much like we see life happening for one of the goon's most trusted advisors, Rudy Shoe Polish. Look also at another "brave soldier" whose life hit the skids aka Mr. Pillow. Destruction and sacrifice are everywhere around this creature--yet as Dr. Lee's article clearly states (paraphrased) people continue to believe it's possible to negotiate with evil without becoming its victim. Cleary, it is not.
May I ask how do you cope? To me as of Monday we enter unknown territory with no guardrails and a weakened framework. I predict we will be cast out and at a loss from neglect scrambling to hold on. I grieve that life may become a jungle and behavior will get baser than what we've already experienced. That is how I see this unfolding. I am afraid of a world where kindness is expunged replaced with desperation and a singular drive for survival at any cost.
There is always this proclivity to solely put the onus of evil in Trump or any person in power but by doing so, we lose sight of the majority of the population whose cognitive abilities are impaired hence cannot see evil for what it is. Mainly because the emotional and moral intelligence of the vast majority of Americans has always been in a state of arrested development. If we had a fool-proof method in which to measure these intelligences from the population, we would be utterly shocked as to how impoverished they really are. As Dr. Everett E. Allie said in his book “The Origins Of Social Dysfunction”
“Few are able to differentiate between opinion and knowledge; between groundless theories and evidence-supported premises. They have not been taught to think critically and to question authority. They have had to repress critical reasoning in order to keep the faith. The typical individual, in any culture, has little concern for truth, becoming cynical and grappling endlessly with his or her own beliefs, distorting perception and reasoning in a continuing struggle to make the pieces fit. Few dare discriminate between knowing and believing. Those who cannot are malleable and vulnerable to the chaos of propaganda and opinion poured over them”
He also said
"You may find parts of this book unpleasant to read, not because of the language or the complexity of concepts. The words and concepts are easily understood. The difficulty is that you are a product of your culture, as are we all. You have been carefully taught to believe, to defer to Authority, to maintain and perpetuate your culture's delusions, beliefs, premises and institutions, right or wrong. You have been carefully indoctrinated to maintain the controlling institutions of your culture in their authoritarian forms, as they operate primarily for their own benefit, too often in opposition to the enhancement and positive evolution of human function. In short, you have been made to believe, embracing the underlying premises and agendas of your institutions as your own. Having done so, you will feel an internal imperative to defend these premises and to reject any information that would threaten those beliefs. Just about everything in this book is going to threaten those beliefs"
So as long as the masses remain in their arrested state of emotional, psychological, and spiritual development, we will continue giving enormous power to those who do not deserve it.
They will drag us all down by abusing the power we give them and then we wonder why they do it. This is madness, utter madness.
Although I appreciate the wealth of knowledge about
psychological disorders, I have a different perspective about how Trump got to be the way he is.
My narcissistic mother and older sister gave me a lot
of experience in dealing with the disorder and my 1st
husband was a narcissist. Why did I marry him? Because his behavior was well known to me. It was familiar, and having grown up with two narcissists, I had not yet realized that normal people don’t behave that way.
I believe narcissism is an inherited condition. I say that for many reasons, but the major reason is that narcissists all exhibit the exact same behaviors—like schizophrenics do, and from what I know about schizophrenia, it is an inherited disorder.
Narcissists brains are wired differently than normal brains. Their perceptions are often way off base and their way of thinking is not logical most of the time.
Many narcissists know they have poor judgment &
like to have people around them they can trust who
do have good judgment.
But most importantly, narcissists are often delusional. They move in and out of delusional
states rapidly and seamlessly with reality. Most
of the people who deal with them can’t tell when
they’re delusional.
Because they are so manipulative, so controlling and lie so often, they are the most difficult people on the
planet to get along with. One reason is because
they appear to be normal when you first get to know them. But when you first get to know them, they’re displaying learned normal behaviors. And they learn normal behaviors because they must in order to do what they really want to do, and that is to manipulate and control everyone around them at all times.
Most narcissists are prolific liars. But they’re very
effective liars because they often believe their own lies. This is where the delusions make themselves known. Is Trump lying or is he delusional? I don’t think he or other narcissists know when they’re delusional. When he lies, he’s telling us what he believes based on his delusional perceptions.
Needless to say, these are the last people who
should command armies or have nuclear launch codes.
All narcissists have extremely fragile egos and it’s
their fragile ego that creates paranoid delusions,
that they will swear on a stack of Bibles is truth. But
it’s their truth only. If you want to be around them or
are forced to be around them, you must buy into their
fantasy reality.
Many narcissists have abusive temper-tantrums if their manipulations aren’t working, and their tantrums are extremely abusive—they are also just another manipulation. They never stop manipulating.
and all require excessive attention. Nor do they change. Psychological care is wasted on narcissists
I am a psychiatrist long associated with the No Free Will movement. (Several publications online at As such, I endorse Dr.Lee's tactic of refusiong to compromise with what is clearly irrational: "Evil." I suggest that blaming is not the best approach. Blaming blinds one to the sources of Trump's evil: psychopathy with a lack of empathy for others. Perhaps also an inherent overreaction to sentiments that are foreign to him. (Us vs. Themism, as Sapolsky terms it.) By bypassing blame, we can sympathize with his deficiency but condemn his behavior. We will leave it to researchers to determine the chemical and physiological basis of psychopathy. Meantime, we can vigorously repudiate MAGA.--Joseph S. Silverman, MD
I broke my rule; that bing, I refused to allow the 'T' person into my life. I heard about his bankruptcy problems one time and said: that guy was a real loser. I avoided all the hoopla about a his silly life. Until he was elected. I felt it was my duty to speak out and fight against all he did and didn't do and what he represented.
It did no good. He won...big time. What happened on Nov. 5th went against everything I learned as a political scientist. It violated everything I thought would be a bulwark against such a craven outcome. I learned, again, what I knew back in pre 2016. Ignore the SOB and he will fade away. Direct one bit of attention toward him and he has you hooked. As Comey has said..."he has your soul". He is the " car wreck" that nobody can stop watching happen. This country will pay dearly and all because TV loves a "loser".
Thank you! I so very much appreciate receiving your articles and share them with others. You inform and offer guidance. I see posts offering critiques which baffle me and hold no water so to speak from my viewpoint. Any time a professional comes forward to offer their experience backed by credentials and standing in their field of study I welcome it. Thank you!
And a poem I read 'Ode to the Duduk' by Peter Balakian found on Poem A Day
“The duduk (pronounced doo-dook) is an ancient double-reed wind instrument carved from aged apricot wood. It is indigenous to Armenia, though variations of the instrument are found in the Caucasus and other parts of the Middle East. It is characterized by a rich, earthy, and what might be called haunted sound. It is distinctive from reed instruments in the West.” —Peter Balakian
I sometimes recommend as a worthwhile exercise, to operationally define "evil" or the neural and psychological correlates of "evil" or a person seeming to be "evil." This is a worthwhile exercise to more precisely define the term axiomatically for those with sufficient training . Such an operational definition may yield insights into the elements of and causes of this personality disorder, and may yield insights into treatment or prevention.
It’s difficult for me to discuss spirituality, spirit, soul, etc. This is mainly due to my belief that it is virtually impossible to discuss such matters. If I try I always fall short and become wordy and get up in my head.
I appreciate your clarity and integrity on the issues. But isn’t a major part of the challenge a dissociated Christ archetype, which has all too readily fallen to advance the powers of dictatorship? This is inherent within much of Christian mythology, with Christ seen as ultimate King, Judge, etc. This archetype has deposed reason, compassion, and shared humanity for centuries. But we have alternatives in terms of cultivation. I offer these.
NONE of the orange baby man's clown show would be happening if he was disqualified day one after forensic psychiatrist Dr Bandy X Lee's report of the FIVE DANGEROUS MENTAL PATHOLOGIES of Donald Trump.
"World Mental Health Coalition"
Exactly!! When a health professional steps away from the tribe they risk critique and banishment. Meanwhile, if you go online and see an article that is of interest it brings you to a paywall requiring you be a professional and member of a group or society to read it; or pay for it outright. I do not believe Dr. Bandy X. Lee should be concerned and hope that a professional of her character and courage is not concerned. Character and intent can be read and when truth speaks to power it is heard.
None of these nominees are competent and must be opposed, flat out opposed.
Everything Trump does is motivated by a need to be surrounded by mirror-like reflections of himself. Everyone in his world must subordinate themselves to his will and behave like the “good mother” he never had; someone whose primary preoccupation is the well-being of her infant, someone who mirrors back to the baby the baby’s own need to feel loved and valued.
He only nominates people who demonstrate this mirroring capacity. Remember the scene in his first cabinet where everyone went around extolling Trump's virtues and expressing their gratitude for being able to be in his presence. And Trump beamed like a baby who's adoring mother’s eyes light up as she lovingly gazes at him.
This is exactly what baby Donald never got at the appropriate, developmental stage of infancy and toddlerhood. His nominees aren't qualified to do anything but beam lovingly at Trump and keep his fragile sense of self-esteem glued together at every moment. That's what HE requires, but it's not what the rest of us need. That's why they all must be opposed and why he can't be negotiated with... his fundamental character is organized around these primitive unmet needs. You can't negotiate or "reason" with an unconscious, archaic need.
However, his every impulse must be opposed because he has no capacity to care about anybody but himself, ever. And it's this incapacity that ends up appearing to the rest of us, as "evil."
Well-stated, Madeline. What I find particularly intriguing and perplexing is whether and how we, as observers and sufferers of Trump’s behavior, can know where and how to measure that quotient of his moral consciousness, however minuscule, that apprehends the existence of social norms and enables him to discern right from wrong, with even a skosh of self-awareness. In other words, assuming that Trump is essentially an admixture of malignantly narcissistic psychopathy and human evil, how do we best perform the moral accounting, differentiating between the voluntary and involuntary? But is such an exercise even necessary to motivate and justify exigent political and social action, preferably nonviolent, in response to his depredations?
Hi Ken, I'll try to explain my perspective although you certainly don't have to see things my way.
In my opinion, character structure is formed in the first 3-5 years of life and is shaped by the patterns of human interaction any given child chronically witnesses and is subjected to. From what I've read and observed, Donald was deprived of any continuous, reliable source of empathy or affection. He had no inner sense of relational security with either parent and had to compete with siblings for attention.
Later in life, he was trained by Roy Cohn, another person with a single inner motive: dominate others. Consequently, Trump treats all interactions as if they are competitions and he MUST be the "winner" because his father and Cohn drilled that into him.
I don't see people as "evil." I see people like Hitler, Trump, Putin, etc. unconsciously replicating patterns of interaction that they experienced as children and have perfected and exaggerated to protect themselves from feeling powerless. All were traumatically abused and emotionally neglected. They grew up with an intense need to avenge the powerless little boy they once were, by dominating and even eradicating ANYONE who doesn't bow down to them. One can certainly see their behavior as "evil" precisely because they have no conscience, no capacity to "feel for" others...only a deep, intense need to dominate.
What I suggest is that each of us, the press, other politicians, the public, etc. can play a role in saying NO to every impulse Trump has, every nomination, every policy, every action, etc. precisely because we know he has NO CAPACITY to make decisions based on other people's needs and feelings.
He can't change nor be changed. We needn't figure out if he's coming from a kind or "evil" place...he's always maneuvering to aggrandize himself and rid himself of people who don't subordinate themselves to him; women, Democrats, immigrants, etc. Our task is to form a cohesive citizenry that OPPOSES him at every turn, making it harder for him to carry out his hurtful, harmful, sociopathic plans.
There is a reason that the first commandment prohibits idolatry. Personal and collective narcissism is the idolatry where baseline human confusion begins its transition into evil.
Idolatry is thankfully transparent. But narcissism gives idolatry cloud cover making it hard to identify. Collective narcissism is what we are seeing coming at us with the next administration. Confusion is not an issue for me. But anxiety to the point of distraction and the sense I am trapped is how I feel.
Ah, yes. The spirit of Cain is alive and well in the Earth. "He is a murderer and he is a 'liar from the beginning.'"
America has chosen to dance with the devil. And, like others down through history who've trusted ogres the price to be paid is immeasurable. The Book tells us there's nothing new under the Sun and the current state of affairs proves it beyond doubt.
The orange puppet master will continue to cannibalize and consume everyone who foolishly trusts him--without exception. He cannot go against his nature! John 10:10.
On the positive side, the Creator is not like a fickle human being and warnings authored before the beginning of time will continue to ring true with devastating accuracy each time mankind decides to create and worship idols. Every single time.
There is a universal law that cannot be ignored or conquered, which is entitled "sowing and reaping." Sooner or later the pendulum will swing back to a starting point ("The First Turn" is an excellent reference) and the person(s) deeming to visit evil against others will become powerless to stave off destruction.
Have we not seen this in the past with evil leaders throughout history? We're living in a remanufactured version of every mistake humanity has made in the past and a duplication of what Jim Jones became when he moved his deceived people to Jonestown, Guyana. We
are living in Ruby Ridge and Waco with the same type of evil persona at the helm.
Everyone who believes they're safe is deceived and will be consumed much like we see life happening for one of the goon's most trusted advisors, Rudy Shoe Polish. Look also at another "brave soldier" whose life hit the skids aka Mr. Pillow. Destruction and sacrifice are everywhere around this creature--yet as Dr. Lee's article clearly states (paraphrased) people continue to believe it's possible to negotiate with evil without becoming its victim. Cleary, it is not.
May I ask how do you cope? To me as of Monday we enter unknown territory with no guardrails and a weakened framework. I predict we will be cast out and at a loss from neglect scrambling to hold on. I grieve that life may become a jungle and behavior will get baser than what we've already experienced. That is how I see this unfolding. I am afraid of a world where kindness is expunged replaced with desperation and a singular drive for survival at any cost.
There is always this proclivity to solely put the onus of evil in Trump or any person in power but by doing so, we lose sight of the majority of the population whose cognitive abilities are impaired hence cannot see evil for what it is. Mainly because the emotional and moral intelligence of the vast majority of Americans has always been in a state of arrested development. If we had a fool-proof method in which to measure these intelligences from the population, we would be utterly shocked as to how impoverished they really are. As Dr. Everett E. Allie said in his book “The Origins Of Social Dysfunction”
“Few are able to differentiate between opinion and knowledge; between groundless theories and evidence-supported premises. They have not been taught to think critically and to question authority. They have had to repress critical reasoning in order to keep the faith. The typical individual, in any culture, has little concern for truth, becoming cynical and grappling endlessly with his or her own beliefs, distorting perception and reasoning in a continuing struggle to make the pieces fit. Few dare discriminate between knowing and believing. Those who cannot are malleable and vulnerable to the chaos of propaganda and opinion poured over them”
He also said
"You may find parts of this book unpleasant to read, not because of the language or the complexity of concepts. The words and concepts are easily understood. The difficulty is that you are a product of your culture, as are we all. You have been carefully taught to believe, to defer to Authority, to maintain and perpetuate your culture's delusions, beliefs, premises and institutions, right or wrong. You have been carefully indoctrinated to maintain the controlling institutions of your culture in their authoritarian forms, as they operate primarily for their own benefit, too often in opposition to the enhancement and positive evolution of human function. In short, you have been made to believe, embracing the underlying premises and agendas of your institutions as your own. Having done so, you will feel an internal imperative to defend these premises and to reject any information that would threaten those beliefs. Just about everything in this book is going to threaten those beliefs"
So as long as the masses remain in their arrested state of emotional, psychological, and spiritual development, we will continue giving enormous power to those who do not deserve it.
They will drag us all down by abusing the power we give them and then we wonder why they do it. This is madness, utter madness.
trump is a master class con man
How to Prevent "GOP MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL"
❤️ Discredit totalitarian propaganda everywhere
🤣 Mock GOP worship of dictators
❤️ Promote moral organizations
❤️ c 1st 📈
Super informative video. Thank you for the link! First step; maintain my own sanity. Grow the calm. Share with another. Study Carl Jung. 😁
Although I appreciate the wealth of knowledge about
psychological disorders, I have a different perspective about how Trump got to be the way he is.
My narcissistic mother and older sister gave me a lot
of experience in dealing with the disorder and my 1st
husband was a narcissist. Why did I marry him? Because his behavior was well known to me. It was familiar, and having grown up with two narcissists, I had not yet realized that normal people don’t behave that way.
I believe narcissism is an inherited condition. I say that for many reasons, but the major reason is that narcissists all exhibit the exact same behaviors—like schizophrenics do, and from what I know about schizophrenia, it is an inherited disorder.
Narcissists brains are wired differently than normal brains. Their perceptions are often way off base and their way of thinking is not logical most of the time.
Many narcissists know they have poor judgment &
like to have people around them they can trust who
do have good judgment.
But most importantly, narcissists are often delusional. They move in and out of delusional
states rapidly and seamlessly with reality. Most
of the people who deal with them can’t tell when
they’re delusional.
Because they are so manipulative, so controlling and lie so often, they are the most difficult people on the
planet to get along with. One reason is because
they appear to be normal when you first get to know them. But when you first get to know them, they’re displaying learned normal behaviors. And they learn normal behaviors because they must in order to do what they really want to do, and that is to manipulate and control everyone around them at all times.
Most narcissists are prolific liars. But they’re very
effective liars because they often believe their own lies. This is where the delusions make themselves known. Is Trump lying or is he delusional? I don’t think he or other narcissists know when they’re delusional. When he lies, he’s telling us what he believes based on his delusional perceptions.
Needless to say, these are the last people who
should command armies or have nuclear launch codes.
All narcissists have extremely fragile egos and it’s
their fragile ego that creates paranoid delusions,
that they will swear on a stack of Bibles is truth. But
it’s their truth only. If you want to be around them or
are forced to be around them, you must buy into their
fantasy reality.
Many narcissists have abusive temper-tantrums if their manipulations aren’t working, and their tantrums are extremely abusive—they are also just another manipulation. They never stop manipulating.
and all require excessive attention. Nor do they change. Psychological care is wasted on narcissists
because they always believe they are right and
everyone else is wrong.
I am a psychiatrist long associated with the No Free Will movement. (Several publications online at As such, I endorse Dr.Lee's tactic of refusiong to compromise with what is clearly irrational: "Evil." I suggest that blaming is not the best approach. Blaming blinds one to the sources of Trump's evil: psychopathy with a lack of empathy for others. Perhaps also an inherent overreaction to sentiments that are foreign to him. (Us vs. Themism, as Sapolsky terms it.) By bypassing blame, we can sympathize with his deficiency but condemn his behavior. We will leave it to researchers to determine the chemical and physiological basis of psychopathy. Meantime, we can vigorously repudiate MAGA.--Joseph S. Silverman, MD
I broke my rule; that bing, I refused to allow the 'T' person into my life. I heard about his bankruptcy problems one time and said: that guy was a real loser. I avoided all the hoopla about a his silly life. Until he was elected. I felt it was my duty to speak out and fight against all he did and didn't do and what he represented.
It did no good. He won...big time. What happened on Nov. 5th went against everything I learned as a political scientist. It violated everything I thought would be a bulwark against such a craven outcome. I learned, again, what I knew back in pre 2016. Ignore the SOB and he will fade away. Direct one bit of attention toward him and he has you hooked. As Comey has said..."he has your soul". He is the " car wreck" that nobody can stop watching happen. This country will pay dearly and all because TV loves a "loser".
trump is a fascist
Thank you! I so very much appreciate receiving your articles and share them with others. You inform and offer guidance. I see posts offering critiques which baffle me and hold no water so to speak from my viewpoint. Any time a professional comes forward to offer their experience backed by credentials and standing in their field of study I welcome it. Thank you!
Addendum; use humor against totalitarian!
This beautiful piece Dudak Meditation settled my soul this morning.
And a poem I read 'Ode to the Duduk' by Peter Balakian found on Poem A Day
“The duduk (pronounced doo-dook) is an ancient double-reed wind instrument carved from aged apricot wood. It is indigenous to Armenia, though variations of the instrument are found in the Caucasus and other parts of the Middle East. It is characterized by a rich, earthy, and what might be called haunted sound. It is distinctive from reed instruments in the West.” —Peter Balakian
I sometimes recommend as a worthwhile exercise, to operationally define "evil" or the neural and psychological correlates of "evil" or a person seeming to be "evil." This is a worthwhile exercise to more precisely define the term axiomatically for those with sufficient training . Such an operational definition may yield insights into the elements of and causes of this personality disorder, and may yield insights into treatment or prevention.
It’s difficult for me to discuss spirituality, spirit, soul, etc. This is mainly due to my belief that it is virtually impossible to discuss such matters. If I try I always fall short and become wordy and get up in my head.
Netanyahu qualifies.
I appreciate your clarity and integrity on the issues. But isn’t a major part of the challenge a dissociated Christ archetype, which has all too readily fallen to advance the powers of dictatorship? This is inherent within much of Christian mythology, with Christ seen as ultimate King, Judge, etc. This archetype has deposed reason, compassion, and shared humanity for centuries. But we have alternatives in terms of cultivation. I offer these.
Take the Red Pill: Why Buddhism Is True, and Needed | Psychology Today
MOSF 20.1: MAGA Salt on the Wounds of the LA Fires (The Third Arrow of Suffering)