Thank you, Dr. Lee, for maintaining the momentum of mental health awareness. It makes a difference.

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Again, your success warms my weary heart, Dr Lee. Good for you; good for the conference; great for America. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNbwMrBMGgE

EDIT: Listened to Howard Stern for the first time in forty-plus years. He interviewed Vice President Harris for an hour. This interview is frenetic and almost emetic in Mr Stern's openly effusive praise; that, as Saint Paul might say, works to the good.

But, I found it to be my fave of the sit-downs since Mr Stern's going out of his way to put the Vice President at ease enabled her to relax and let us see her for who she is: tough, gracious,, ambitious, charitable, high-minded, optimistic, resolute, sincere, mirthful.

Been a long time since I have seen that combination in a public leader. President Harris likely endure high disapproval ratings at some point, as every President does. Let us hope that Congress, at the seat of power in our republic, extends to President Harris the courtesy it denied President Obama: the opportunity for greatness.

Every President deserves that much.

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By the way, I have watched the interviews -- drawing jeers from the right-wingnuts and cheers from many of the rest of us -- that President Harris has conducted on 'The View', ''Sixty Minutes', and 'Stephen Colbert'.

What the cranks focus on are moments when the Vice President takes a moment, often repeating a key-word. They conveniently omit the typically thoughtful, tailored answer that follows.

The Vice President is not stupid, of course, but is taking a moment to collect her thoughts, as most intelligent people with refined minds do..

She is careful in what she says. Yet Vice President Harris is sincere. Only infrequently does she revert to a rehearsed diversion like those of Senator Vance or 'free dissociation' like that of candidate Trump.

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You’re a true leader Bandy, only worried about us all and acting for us all.

Thank you for blazing this difficult path.

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Thank you Bandy. What’s happening - what’s been allowed or made to happen - is horrifying and goes to the roots of our humanity and mass psychology. But I think it may help us wake up as well - if we succeed. Otherwise we are looking at an underground movement. Or just moving out!!!

See MOSF 19.11: The People and Harris v. An Increasingly Unhinged Trump (the Rising Culture of Democracy and the Beloved Community v. the Culture of King and Cult) https://eastwindezine.com/mosf-19-11-the-people-and-harris-v-an-increasingly-unhinged-trump/


MOSF 19.15: TrumpVance and their Proposed Advance of the Plantation of Lies and Weirdness https://eastwindezine.com/mosf-19-15-trumpvance-and-their-proposed-advance-of-the-plantation-of-lies-and-weirdness/

To paraphrase Walt Whitman, “If you stop this day and night with me, shall we possess the origin of all lies?” The foundational lie of America is White Supremacy. It is asserting itself with violent psychological force now. A thoughtful meander, ending with a new creation myth, the origin of stories themselves, and an urgent call for us to forge a new, inclusive story for a better future for all.

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Oct 10Edited

There is an aspect of humanity that prefers the darkness of itself more than light. Calling out Trump is calling out the spirit of our times; the love of the way of power over the love of the way of truth.

Truth is not supernatural or relative. The media protects Trump because our focus of attention is hiding from the pain of sight-on-itself. It doesn't have to be this way, but truth requires a stage of re-equilibrium. We are seeing how contagion works. The election will be a referendum on what we are.

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As Plato might say, we would rather rot inside the cave. In the popular novel, 'James', Huck Finn and Jim discuss the fate of two con-men busted by angry locals. I wonder if the author, Percival Everett, had our times partly in mind when he penned this exchange.

Jim: ". . . . May be they get tarred and feathered. I don't know."

Huck: "That seems right awful."

Jim: ". . . . But they was stealin' from dem folk. Tellin' lies lak dey was. . . ."

Huck: "Yes, but them people liked it, Jim. Did you see their faces? They had to know them was lies, but they wanted to believe. What do you make of that?"

Jim: "Folks be funny lak dat. Dey take the lies dey want and throws away the truths dat scares 'em."

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