Update on the New York AG's 34 felonies case argued before Judge Merchan today 7/25/24.
The Judge will rule on Donald Trump's Motion to Dismiss on 9/6/2024. Judge Merchan is very likely to rule that all 34 felonies convictions arose out of "personal conduct" having absolutely nothing to do with any purported "official acts" of the defendant, Donald J. Trump when he was POTUS.
Legal Analyst Andrew Weissmann & Lawrence O'Donnell. the MSNBC Ancho,r will both be present in the New York Courtroom on Friday, September 6, 2024.
Thank you, Dr. Lee, for the next notification of your Friday meeting. It is helpful that a collective voice of sanity prevails while a certain former president charmingly portrays that whatever he touches turns into gold-and was never congenitally golden. The exemplary life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth show that being flushed with pride leads to execration, even when one self projects as a sower of superficial glories who has it all sewn up from beginning to end... Indeed, in order for affluence not to degenerate into human effluence, impossible though it seems, at least five minutes of regarding ourselves as ants in an antverse would be helpful, individually, representatively, andcollectively, which is actually the high line of human existence and service. Oafy arrogance under legal conviction is more dangerous and deadly than it appears to be on the surface. Oafy arrogance merits funded research in these multiply trying times in which we live. Of I and ego, there are other helpful writings in this newsletter that genuinely rank with academic and scholarly engagement.
Update on the New York AG's 34 felonies case argued before Judge Merchan today 7/25/24.
The Judge will rule on Donald Trump's Motion to Dismiss on 9/6/2024. Judge Merchan is very likely to rule that all 34 felonies convictions arose out of "personal conduct" having absolutely nothing to do with any purported "official acts" of the defendant, Donald J. Trump when he was POTUS.
Legal Analyst Andrew Weissmann & Lawrence O'Donnell. the MSNBC Ancho,r will both be present in the New York Courtroom on Friday, September 6, 2024.
I look forward to the next recording...
Thank you, Dr. Lee, for the next notification of your Friday meeting. It is helpful that a collective voice of sanity prevails while a certain former president charmingly portrays that whatever he touches turns into gold-and was never congenitally golden. The exemplary life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth show that being flushed with pride leads to execration, even when one self projects as a sower of superficial glories who has it all sewn up from beginning to end... Indeed, in order for affluence not to degenerate into human effluence, impossible though it seems, at least five minutes of regarding ourselves as ants in an antverse would be helpful, individually, representatively, andcollectively, which is actually the high line of human existence and service. Oafy arrogance under legal conviction is more dangerous and deadly than it appears to be on the surface. Oafy arrogance merits funded research in these multiply trying times in which we live. Of I and ego, there are other helpful writings in this newsletter that genuinely rank with academic and scholarly engagement.