Dr. Lee: Do NOT invite Scott Ritter! Not only is a twice convicted pedophile who advocates in Russia for our Russian enemies interests, he is currently under investigation by the FBI, as of today, for potential FARA violations - quite likely Russia associated.



I would also suggest replacing Noam Chomsky, in declining health now, with George Lakoff.

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Thank you for pointing this out.

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I’ll take the opportunity to put my two cents in.

Carl Sagan knew that it is okay to make extraordinary claims when those claims are supported by extraordinary evidence. Scott Ritter seems to be among a growing number of people who believe that it is okay to make extraordinary claims when those claims are supported by no evidence.

As for George Lakoff, I started reading his “The All New Don’t Think of an Elephant!” book and was impressed until I got to “The Private Depends on the Public” chapter where he seems to imply that a moderate is someone who isn’t progressive or conservative because they can’t make up their mind. I believe that attitude is a huge contributor to the issue of social discord (even if I’m wrong about Lakoff contributing to the issue).

In my observations of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, it seems clear to me that they don’t think about whether something is progressive or conservative. Instead, they’re either thinking about adhering to the “treat others the way I would want to be treated if the shoe was on the other foot” principle, or they’re thinking about novel ways to adhere to that principle in novel contexts. That makes them look more progressive at times, and more conservative at other times. And then the people who want to label them as one or the other end up labeling them as wishy washy, which is precisely the opposite of what is really happening.

It also seems obvious to me that, for virtually everyone in a leadership position within the 2024 version of the Republican party, the idea of adhering to that principle in relation to anyone not supporting Donald Trump is something that no longer enters their minds. I suggest that’s a huge vulnerability for them that’s not being exploited as much as it could be.

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Thank you, Dr. Lee, for this timely conference, which is crucial for the mental and political health of America and the whole world. May God bless the fundraising for a scintillating event with a constellation of leading intellectuals in different, relevant disciplines, and a modest budget! It is good to note that healthful food is integral to the event, and not merely because I am studying public health, nutrition and wellness, but emphatically because good nutrition underlies good brain performance and good thinking, which are essential in an ongoing, global, mental health crisis. Donations in kind may significantly defray overall expenses of a conference and similar events. An aspect of this that may be particularly helpful for the September Conference and for all such future events is USDA and FDA compliant plant foods donations from companies and producers interested in promoting healthful living (along with other categories of food and drink donations). The plant-based diet and organic farming and gardening connect well with climate optimization concerns and endeavors. I look forward to other updates pertaining to this important conference even as I will soon be studying FDNT 520 999 Vegetarian Nutrition and Disease Prevention and PBHL 575 999 Integrated Learning Experience online for the third (Fall/August) Semester of 2024.

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What day in September? And what will be the cost? If I can not swing it -- money is tight -- I would like to contribute. Since my digital identity was stolen, I am loath toward sending contributions on line. May I have a street address so I can send a check? Have you considered Dr Heather Cox Richardson for your all-star batting order?

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Noam Chomsky had a stroke recently so I doubt he will be at this meeting. Perhaps you should take his name off the list unless you have verified that he will recover by next month. Otherwise, it damages your credibility.

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Please help raise awareness of this conference by pasting to your socials. And thank you, Dr Lee, for your work in this.

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Commendations for the initiative Dr Lee. If i can suggest, i would recommend inviting economists Dean Baker and Paul Krugman who can present the thesis how Trump will create chaos in American & global economy. I would suggest inviting author Stephen King who wrote the book 'Dead Zone' with fictional Presidential candidate Greg Stillson.

Also i would suggest remote broadcasting of speakers who cannot make physical appearance (like Chomsky). Invite speakers to live remote broadcast or pre-recorded message to be telecast. This would ensure more speakers participation who otherwise have constrains for physical appearance.

Dr Lee, you should try to contact Paul Krugman & Dean Baker. You can ask them what will be impact of Trump administration on US economy and world. If they are unable to make physical appearance, you ask them for pre-recorded short (10-20 minute) message of their analysis.

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Bandy, pls lmk how I can help.

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I volunteer to help if needed. I can write articles or promote on social media.

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Will respirators be required? SARSCoV2 (HIVAIDS2.0 electric boogaloo) is raging in our country.

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I’m in the throes right now. Paxlovid works.

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Dr. Lee...thank you for all your great work, as well as the panelists. Panelists to consider:

Tristan Harris (Center for Humane Technology) https://www.humanetech.com/ could be included because he can explain the underlying viral effect of clips shared of Trump's psychosis contagion and how it is amplified by Persuasive Technology proliferated via social media and AI machine learning algorithms. Trump's rise was strategized by funder Robert Mercer and strategist Steve Bannon. They used Cambridge Analytica & Facebook to steal public data in 2016. They knew Trump was incompetent as a politician but would be a "useful idiot" to serve their extreme agendas. Billionaires Musk and Peter Thiel have continued to use their platforms to perpetuate the madness and extreme agendas as well. In essence, they are primary exploiters of his mental illness. One might considered elder a abuse. We must find ways to help the public mitigate these effects because the public's exposure to the contagion is right in their smart phones and apps many of them are manipulating.

Steven Hassan Author of The Cult Of Trump https://freedomofmind.com/ to explain the hypnotic effect of Trump's captivating hypnosos of his followers and how to gently snap people back into reality without going the route of political games or destroying families.

Heather Cox Richardson (Historian/Author) https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/september-10-2024

Her analysis is clear and she can help the public understand what is at stake politically, and the devastating repercussions a second Trump presidency might have.

Barbara Kellerman - Harvard Authority on Leadership-https://barbarakellerman.com/articles/

She can speak about her book He Enablers and how the followed and context feed Trump's psychopathic disorder. She can explain ways we can professionalize Leadership so that the public can understand that there are minimum standards of mental health to maintain for publicly elected officials.

Mary Trump PHD Clinical Psychology https://www.msnbc.com/morning-joe/watch/-he-just-never-seemed-interested-in-other-people-trump-s-niece-reflects-on-family-in-memoir-218993733827 and Fred Trump https://youtu.be/Zufg-Hn1rE0?feature=shared to add the much needed detailed context of the family origins and they both have written extensively about their family's issues and Trump's role in their family. It seems as though some form of intervention is needed due to the family traumas. In politics Trump has found the perfect escape from his own family reality, but the American people must not let him destroy our entire U.S. political system just to escape his own mental disorder. They may have insights that pull out more from the other panelists as well about necessary interventions.

Tony Robbins & Chloe Madanes of Robbins Madanes Center for Conflict Resolution. https://rmtcenter.com/ As a coach and practical psychologist, Robbins is very familiar with Trump's history and might be open to discussing solutions as long as he knows its for the greater good of society and the world. His wide reach into his network of billionaires and wall street friends and world leaders might be a way to generate some kind of intervention or "soft landing" for Trump, or a simmered resolution that can pull Trump back from attempting to start a civil war after a loss in the election, or overturn the next election for fear of his criminal sentencing, or if he is elected preventing detonation of nuclear missles etc.

Just some ideas, I'm sure the conference will go fine. We are hoping it all comes together well!

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From Robert Reich is asking and demanding Why Isn't the Media Reporting on Trumps dementia. https://open.substack.com/pub/robertreich/p/why-isnt-the-media-reporting-on-trumps?r=qiswe&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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