It boggles the mind that Dr Lee and her many expert associates were not, and are still not listened to 6 years after they met with 50 Congress men and women. Kristen Welker should have given Dr Lee equal time. I suggested to Ezra Klein that he have her as a guest on his podcast. He wrote back and with some dismissive crap about why "we are past psychological evaluation of DT." Wrong Mr. Klein, we are all still suffering because of the lack a media accountability for Mr. T's destructive malignant narcissistic sociopathy. The media should call Trumps bluff and administer a mental competency test to not just Trump, but all of his cult sycophants. The fact that he's the leading candidate for the Republican nomination speaks volumes about how dire the situation is now that we have had 6 years, 2 impeachments, 90+ felony indictments, a total mismanagement of a pandemic, a coup, and more! Think for a minute about where we'd be right now had T and his minions succeeded on Jan 6. I might not have even been able to thank Dr Lee for today's excellent piece.

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I like Ezra Klein and listen to his podcast often. His response to you indicates he doesn't understand the threat to our democracy if Trump is reelected, which completely surprises me because I do. He's got to be more well-read than I am! And many thoughtful writers (his favorite subject) do, like anyone from The Bulwark; their mission is to provide analysis and reporting in defense of America’s liberal democracy. Or veteran political journalist Ron Brownstein who just published "Trump’s Threat to Democracy Is Now Systemic" (The Atlantic, 8-2-23). Or Project Democracy, whose mission is to "use litigation, legislative and communications strategies, technology, research, and analysis to stand up for free and fair elections, the rule of law, fact-based debate, and a better democracy for future generations."

Yes, Trump is ill and that's what makes him a threat to our democracy, but the threat is the important story. Dr. Lee's psychological evaluation of DT is a part of that story.

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You know when it's too late to deploy psychiatric analysis to American politicians with a fascist bent? Only once they take power and decapitate all opposition to their megalomaniacal power-mongering and dictatorial, if not totalitarian, rule.

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So correct.

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Very much “right to the point.”

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Regardless of discomfort? Who is uncomfortable. Fox raises mental competence as an issue every hour. MSNBC does too. CNN just gives Trump a receptive platform but that's another issue. Psychs may be uncomfortable. The public is not.

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Oh yes the public is. We are scared he's going to do something worse. He has already compromised CIA agents, he's a traitor.

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I think Dr Lee was saying the media and org psychiatry found the subject difficult to talk about and therefore didn't talk about it enough. But they need to talk about it and public wants it discussed because he is a menace. Sunlight = disinfectant.

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Donald Trump and his Republican cult martinets constitute the mentally ill elephant in the political body politic. Tergiversating and eliding the mental health issue regarding Trump and his shared psychotic delusion involves precisely the same psychodynamic phenomenon of silence, fear and objective reality dissociation and disorientation that greased the skids for Hitler's ascension to power and the apocalypse that followed.

So be very aware, patriotic Americans -- the grip on your cherished democratic republic loosens as we speak. Ignore the keenly informed medical warnings of Dr. Lee and her colleagues at your own peril. Sanity, like democracy, which empowers civilization human flourishing, only continues to work if, as Benjamin Franklin intoned regarding the latter, you can keep it.

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Can any president who keeps hundreds of nuclear missiles on hair-trigger alert, ready to commit mass murder and human extinction, be said to be of sound mind?

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How disheartening!

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