Dr. Lee, your bravery in standing up for the truth in the face of adversity is victory in itself. You continue to be a model of excellence and courage by speaking up. Throughout history, people were persecuted and shunned for speaking the truth, and I hold you in high regard among those who sacrificed so much for the benefit of society. I have no doubt that you made a lasting impact and your actions will continue to resonate.

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"'For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" I resigned in mid-career from the best job I ever had. I was head of finance and accounting when our management and board went against my advice and did a dumb, dishonest thing that put us in financial jeopardy.

I devised a plan to fix it, and presented my plan to about twenty assembled bankers assembled high up in the boardroom of our primary bank, in downtown Los Angeles. The bankers signed off.

In the elevator ride down only my team was present. They hooted and hollered: "You really put one over on them," chortled our CEO. I realized then that they had no intention of honoring the deal I had just made. I thought about it, talked it over with my wife, and resigned about a month later. I had a captain's license, so I went to sea instead. Best decision I ever made.

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There is nothing more sustaining than principled discipline. Institutions (corporations) only set themselves up to work harder requiring more effort and capital to accommodate poor decision makers and the incompetence that follows. I speak from experience as a blue collar worker from a corporate environment. It is really no different.

If highest of educational values and its varieties are no longer Yale’s North Star, this institutions light will diminish. Its golden calf, the alumni will turn to brass. And the institution paths will no longer serve as a lamplight for civil society. Yale’s and all the others like Yale, will meet its final destination, ever so properly. It’s a matter of time.

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Bandy, you continue to provide clarity, truth, guidance to me and so many others.

In the next Webster’s Dictionary under the word “courage” I hope to see your name and photo.

I plan to attend your open forum on community psychiatry.

It is time to stop yielding to my “outrage fixes” and identify meaningful actionable next steps.

Where do we go from here?

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I have the utmost empathy for you and your ethics Dr. Lee. Empathy as I left a 20 year college career. Healthiest move. Continued on with a twenty year very gratifying private psychotherapy practice leading to enhanced community engagement.

Since 2016 I’ve been an avid follower and vocal proponent of your “path”. I’m certain you will continue promotion of excellent, insightful work. We all (individually, locally, nationally, worldly) grow through your efforts. Thank you Dr. Lee🙏

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Blessings to you Bandy for exposing the truth at so much cost to you

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'The invasion of the body snatchers' is an apt analogy as what we're witnessing is the pathocratisation of a nation, meaning that pathological individuals, all wearing some form of mask (it's not only psychopaths that wear masks) are infiltrating positions of power.

Sadly those who potentially have the knowledge to see this (psychiatrists and psychologists) are usually unable to make the mental leap because of their years of training restricting them to a narrow viewpoint. Those without formal training can see all too clearly what's going on but lack academic clout.

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Dersh needs a "complete" psychological workup; and he needs to be kicked off Martha's Vineyard in a row boat, like Captain Bly.

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Your statement on Yale’s response should be available to all, not just to subscribers. Don’t you want it widely seen?

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Hang in there Dr. Lee. Please repost your letter to Yale so we all can see it and thus gain momentum. I’ve been boycotting the Ivy League school for some time. Happy to spread the word to boycott the NCAA. Make education great again by making it affordable to regular Joes.

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Who is "her" and "she?" Jean Koh Peters? See below:

Brilliant, service-oriented colleagues such as Stephen Wizner and Carroll Lucht gave way to mediocre faculty who milked HER predecessors’ accomplishments to elevate HERself and asserted “service” to cover for HER inadequacies. And when they retired and SHE could no longer exploit their labor to HER credit, SHE retired, too—even though SHE is a generation younger! HER brother, who became dean of Yale Law School, also abused more than contributed

n.b. Good piece, Dr Bandy.

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Thank you!

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Thank you for your relentless service and your unwavering efforts to live in alignment with your values. Honesty, integrity, accountability and authenticity are deeply-rooted and intergenerational values that I cherish, as well. The perpetual optimist in me wants to believe that we *can* do better, that we *will* do better, and that we will do so while centering the people and the communities that have experienced the worst effects of systemic intersectional oppression, bad policy, abuse of power, corruption, and nepotism in the US. As it stands, we are falling miserably short of the “path of predicted progress” I liked to recreationally envisage as a child and a young adult.

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You selflessly spent a big part of your life with this institution which then treated you unfairly. But maybe Yale does not deserve you. It's their loss. Philosophers are defined by their work, not by the institutions they serve. A person like you will be contributing to society wherever you work & your work will be forever valued. You have my respect Dr Lee.

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