What you have to say is so important, so crucial, to protecting our society. I learn something new from every interview you do and every article you publish.

I wish you would have your media team put out 15 to 30 second shorts that could go viral. Take one great point and just say it to the camera. No undecided voter could remain undecided after hearing what you and your colleagues have to say about the clear and present dangerousness of Trump and his myrmidons.

I've been thinking you bury the lede when you save this for paragraph two:

At no time has mental fitness in leadership been more important. Yet, at no time have we had a presidential campaign where mental fitness has been a more precarious issue.

Keep up the good work, and please, please, create some short clips that can become memes. This is, sadly, the age of information and public relations we live in. Although it couldn't be further from our purposes, check out this short for an example of the power of well-wielded social media: https://youtube.com/shorts/cesrZd73sQY?si=26eefs5di6eb3e9X

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Substack just erased a follow-up comment I'd been working on for half an hour, frustrating, though it nicely underscores a big part of what I was driving at in my comment.

Corporations (including a democratic forum like Substack) control most communication in the US, one way or the other.  There are only two ways to influence mass public opinion, both engines for disseminating persuasive information/content, true or false, are problematic.  

The corporate mass media news and editorial narrative leaves out context, engages in false equivalencies, allows lies to air unchecked, i complicit in in the destruction of norms, normalizing of pathology, etc.  Profit-driven mass media, whose only motive is financial gain, exerts tremendous influence on most Americans, particularly older voters.

"Social Media", odiousness as it also is, is a powerful driver of public opinion, for better and for worse.  A meme is born when it hits quick, memorably makes a good point, and makes people want to share it.  Billions of shares of a video featuring a memorable dance to Gangnam Style.

I don't know how to use social media myself, as I've learned again recently trying to get answers for why trump appointees Louis DeJoy (slow the mail, cut costs) and Joseph Caffari (Homeland Security IG who, uh, accidentally let all January 6 secret service evidence be destroyed) are still in positions of unchecked power, but there are geniuses in the field of social media with insight on how to create viral short videos.

Your expert insights, and those of your colleagues, need to be set out in viral videos.  If undecided voters are exposed to your message, it's hard to believe many would vote for trump.   You should be in touch with the Lincoln Project, for example, their take on your main points about Trump's dangerousness, coming from experts in violent pathology assisted by experts in propaganda, would get wider exposure.  Talk to Anthony Davis about creating some shorts from your interviews with him, I have seen many 30-60 second sections of those talks that would make great shareable shorts.   We need 30 second clips of some of your best points, millions of people need to hear them!

Your best-selling book The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump is an indispensable primer for understanding the personality type capable of pathological violence.  That we have a presidential candidate for a major political party possessing all the clear warning signs of destructive rage, on steroids, is CRUCIAL for undecided voters to know.  

Trump's brand is violence, fighting, never admitting fault or defeat.  A classic psychopath.   He's already fomented criminal violence in his name that he's promised pardons for, as well as threats of, and pardons for, future violence.   His handpicked (by his handlers) Supreme Court majority recently ruled that his pardons may not be questioned or appealed, even if they are offered for sale.

Your story about the American Psychiatric Association gagging public discussion of The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump might make an excellent illustrative short.  A powerful psychopath feeling under attack, in a position to reward an organization with a record government allocation and a new $10,000,000 headquarters in DC, who then rewards them for their favor, ably put into effect by no less than the venerated/hated NY Times, gagging all experts by publicly enforcing the association's own voluntary rule as if it was federal law ... that story of the "inviolable" Goldwater Rule, and its always clear political intent, and how it was used to silence the experts to the advantage of the dangerous, powerful psychopath, is too good not to be shared by millions before the election.    

The story of that Trump-facilitated nationwide gag order of professionals acting out of a duty to warn of imminent danger is the perfect illustration of how this malignant type gets away with this open corruption.

I'm writing this in gmail, to cut and paste into a comment on Substack.   I hopefully recaptured most of what I said the first time.  I wish you the best in getting your super-important, insightful message out there, and beyond that:

I URGE ANYONE READING THIS COMMENT to put on your thinking cap and find ways to recruit a Ryan Reynolds, or some other genius of media manipulation, for help getting Bandy Lee's crucial message out to millions, particularly as it could well be the deciding factor for the "undecided" in an election pollsters and corporate pundits keep insisting is neck and neck.

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Thank you, Dr. Lee. The summary video is informative and impactful. G-d bless!

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Dr. Lee, Your knowledge and ability to inform others has helped me, and others, to better understand Donald Trump’s psychology. Thank you for helping lay people come to terms with Trump’s psychopathy. I sincerely hope that your extremely important message reaches those who can use it to benefit our country.

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Dr Lee. Thank you for your selfless service to society.

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Dr.Lee, you have now effectively put you and your colleagues to the top of the trump hit list.

I tear when I hear your words.

Continue to teach so that we may learn.

Thank you. Phil

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Trump WILL BE installed in the presidency by a combination of billionaires and violence, to my consternation.

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Consternation, Anxiety, dismay, something unexpected

The billionaire heritage foundation?



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