This reflects a grave corruption of civil society, not just in Israel but also in the USA. When power in wealth and the capacity for violence are the supreme values, might makes right. There is no such thing as truth or "morality," only power and its applications.

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Those that teach and lead violence must be punished, not the general public as Hobbes wrote in 1650 bringing the murder rate in England and Wales to half the previous century.

"The Punishment of the Leaders, and teachers in a Commotion; not the poore seduced People, when they are punished, can profit the Common-wealth by their example. To be severe to the People, is to punish that ignorance, which may in great part be imputed to the Soveraign, whose fault it was, they were no better instructed." Leviathan Chapter XXX Punishment

"The reduction in homicide rates is particularly striking. In the 16th century, homicide rates in England were estimated to be around 10-20 per 100,000 people. By the mid-to-late 17th century, these rates had dropped significantly to about 2-5 per 100,000 people."

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Please see my comprehensive response to you and Rachel. Even Hobbes would not advocate the level of killing carried out by Israël for the sake of law enforcement.

One can find quotes anywhere for anything, so I will cherry-pick a couple.

"And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him. But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God."

LEVITIVUS 19 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus%2019%3A33-34&version=KJV

"For the sins of her prophets, and the iniquities of her priests, that have shed the blood of the just in the midst of her, 14 They have wandered as blind men in the streets, they have polluted themselves with blood, so that men could not touch their garments."

LAMENTATIONS 4 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Lamentations%204%3A13-14&version=KJV

Frankly, I will put my faith in Ezra, Jeremiah, and Moses any day over an apologist for divine right monarchy.

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Netanyahu’s desire to stay in power = genocide. Will Trump’s reign be different? I don’t think it will be.

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Thank you, Edward. Gutsy comment; I salute your courage.

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Genocide? Really? Are you saying that to evoke violence?

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And are we also witnessing a slow genocide of sorts in the Authoritarian States of America with policies and politics designed to make life harder, less healthy and more dangerous for the general population?

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Discontent is the business model of all the media and politics.

the incentive structures in both industries do create a bias toward conflict and dissatisfaction, which tends to grab attention and mobilize people more than a steady stream of good news.

Some mobilize to violence and should be forcefully punished. IMO

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Well, I am a Zionist insofar as I support the existence of Israël, unconditionally. That feeling, however, does not extend to supporting every Israeli axion unconditionally. Israël has degenerated into war crimes and now into displaying genocidal intent. 😢

https://youtu.be/yN4Uu0OlmTg (The heart-ache of Christmas / Chanukah 2024)

Good nations can do bad things; that we learned in Viêt Nam and the Middle East. The Israeli government shows little remorse, potentially dragging others into a regional war. Evidently, the people of Israël are beginning to show concern, courageously to dissent. 🤞

https://youtu.be/hw-Hu9J2NiE (A children's hymn fires the spirit of hope in humanity.)

Sadly, however, it is evident that the Middle East is a more stable place now; nevertheless, the ends have not -- nor do they ever -- justify the means. Inasmuch Hizbulah, Hamas, and the Houthis may be decapitated, one can not assume that the such stability will last. 😰

https://youtu.be/_HY-WfDPm7s (Dr King had a thing or two to say about pride and love.)

As a Zionist, I fear for the future security of my cherished Israël. Prime Minister Netanyahu may be the best recruiter that the three Iranian proxies have ever had. In the interim, I mourn for the innocents in Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and Yemen. 😳

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This was the vision I had hoped for in the holy land for the three Abrahamic religions. It was almost certainly a pipe-dream then; it is little better than a pipe-balm now.


One thought I will not surrender. Militants, militaries, politicians on either side will not bring peace to the troubled land and regions; mothers fed up with burying children will.

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We need to stop calling and acting like this is a war. N must stop calling it that. The only legitimate reason for war is when the world is overcharged with inhabitants and war provides for both victory and dead.

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It will be the mothers of Palestineans and Israelis fed up with burying their sons -- who have bled out in the same color -- not all the generals and politicians of Israël nor all the Islamic jihadists in Palestine who will bring peace.

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Thank you, Dr. Lee. I needed to read this, to be reminded of the horrors that humans are being subjected to at the hands of the self-righteous.

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🔸Religion: 'Pudding is the only way' 'Pasta is the only way' 'Salad is the only way'

🔸Spiritual: 'It's all food'

Mystics are the root and trunk of the same tree, the branches of which are different religions.

From youtube film "With One Voice"


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You have lost all credibility with this ill-advised message. Though I have long appreciated your work exposing the dangers posed by a severely mentally incapacitated man such as Donald Trump, and considering your earnest exhortations that the public pay attention to those with expertise in a given area, you must acknowledge that you have zero background, understanding, or insight to offer regarding the Middle East, and hence you should not circulate your shockingly superficial opinions on the matter while posing as an expert in it. Expertise in one area does not qualify you arbitrarily as an expert in any another. It is very sad indeed to witness your professional implosion, as you blithely repeat Hamas propaganda and publish photos of baby Jesus wrapped in terrorist swaddling. Utterly disappointing.

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Rachel and Aaron,

Now that you have taken it upon yourselves to inform people of how stupid they are, I will confess to being none too bright; but I still remember simple arithmetic. Giving Israël the benefit of the doubt on these numbers -- that is: using estimates that yield civilian death ratioes likely to be lower:

> 47,500 civilians (in Palestine and Lebanon) killed by the I.D.F.;

> LESS 25,000 Hamas and Hizbulah fighters killed by the I.D.F.;

> 1,200 Israeli civilians killed by Hamas and Hizbulah since 06oct23; YIELDS

> nineteen -- could be, with less favorable figures, twenty-five -- Palestinean civilians killed for each Israeli civilian murdered.

So, despite my lack of a hypothesis, answer these questions, s.v.p.:

¿how many deaths of innocents is too many?

¿how many hospitals and schools destroyed are too many?

¿how few humanitarian supplies getting through are too few?

¿how do you justify the deaths of some one hundred, fifty journalists; over one hundred academics; and well over one hundred, fifty aid worker?

Of course, y'all can not, nor can I. Y'all know very damn well that, were 47,500 Israeli citizens and soldiers killed over the past fifteen months, you two and I would be horrified and calling such violence a genocide . . . and doing so with justification.

Hamas's atrocity of 07oct23 and the one hundred hostages still rotting away in tunnels can not be countenanced, ever. An Israeli response was and is appropriate to what amounted to an insurgency compressed to one day through technology and careful planning.

An urban counter-insurgency, at least where I come from, should resemble a muscular form of community policing rather than total war. Ghastly as Hamas's atrocity was, and remains; nasty as Hizbulah has been; and, meddlesome as Iran remains, Israël is struggling with more of a crime-wave and less of an existential conflict.

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Thank you, Dr. Lee, for this courageous expose of war crimes and genocidal events occurring in Israel and Gaza through relentless warfare. The tragedy is that the ancient genocidal invasion of Palestine by the Israelites, deftly recorded as divinely approved as an indelible record to prevent repetition, is being ignored or hermeneutically distorted to allow present day repetition. The Creator of all nations can never be genocidal, but he does ensure the faithful recording of both sides of a story in context, and the atrocities precipitating internecine and fratricidal conflicts. Rather than simply accepting that "history repeats itself," each generation should ask itself why the kind Creator, even in the language of theological dominance, bothered to record the misdeeds of both dominant and dominated, if not to prevent endless repetition of atrocities of war, and their devastating population and environmental effects.

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Dr Lee, one of the signs of dying civilization is that when misery of children becomes normalized. It's also a sign that our policy to nurture & maximize human potential has failed. It's a general theme across the world which ranges from war & conflicts to poverty & economic failures. Whether in middle east or poor nations of Africa & 3rd world or even developed nations like US. The child poverty rate in US is alarming. Here in India, there're beggar children sleeping on the roads of every cities. You stop at traffic signal, women with babies in their hand come ask for begging money & food, small children of 2 feet come running to demand money. Our systems of politics, economics and policies have become thoroughly corrupted and incompetent. It cannot deliver peace, stability and security to civilization.

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True, until the world is overcharged with inhabitants when war provides for both victory and dead. Some regions need more children, but anti-immigration stands in the way.

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You have made your point.

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Hello!! I hope you’re okay! I know that you don’t know me but if you could help me by The donation fundthis i’d be so thankful, I’m in a desperate mood. Thank you so much and sorry for bothering you! Have a nice day and stay safe. 💖

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Sorry Bandi, I'm cancelling my subscription because declaring Israel's action genocide is slander and blood libel defamation. It is your actions that justify violence and internalizes the daily liturgy of "Death to America, Death to Israel".


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The third and final part of this mini treatise seeks to very briefly make some proposals in regard to the question, "If God is not an arrogant fathead, nor a homicidal, genocidal maniac, who or what is God, in view of continuing suffering, inequality, pathology, war, homicide, and genocide on Earth?"

- Well, first and foremost, God is the Creator of all things small and large. Hence, scientific thought on a God particle is not a result of mental slowness, although it deviates significantly from hard and fast scriptural principles. Psalm 8:5 states that God "made" humankind (the human family, including the incarnate Christ) "a little lower than God" (Hebrew, 'elohim), which concept is lost in up to a hundred percent of English translations...

- According to the apostle Paul in Acts 17:22-33, God cannot be limited to a temple or personalized in an idol, but "in Him we live and move and have our being" and we (humankind) are the divine progeny (verse 28, which refers to Greek poets).

- The apostle Peter states that believers "may be partakers of the divine nature" (2 Peter 1:4).

- Jesus of Nazareth looked forward to the eschatological time of regeneration (Greek, palingenesia) and justice (Matthew 19:28).

So who or what is God? In brief, God is one with his obedient creatures, particularly humankind, who epitomize the animate creation. God is loving, kind, ethical, just, redemptive, regenerative, and the opposite of arrogance, oppression, homicide, genocide, and all that is evil.

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There is little doubt that once one creates a liturgy recited often enough it becomes internalized into the groups apparent truth.

But in science we understand that the best we can achieve is the most defensible model of reality awaiting a better model which more accurately predicts the outcome.

We've seen the unfortunate outcome of internalized violence, libel and defamation. It is not war. It is criminal.

Love and compassion are powerful triggers of cognizant dissonance but after many years of violence it's time we accept that "there's a place for the Jews" in their own country.

Some day,


We'll find a new way of living,

We'll find a way of forgiving.


Somewhere . . .

West side story

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Yes, and sound models of reality are subject to progressive development, improvement, and enhancement.

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The second part of this mini treatise presents just one of many biblical examples of the passive will of God being contrary or opposite to his active will. In 2 Samuel 24:1, the narrator states that God was angry with Israel and caused David to count the number of Israelites (a census could be misused to gauge military capacity for glorious ambitions). The results of this action by David were terribly disastrous, as narrated in the rest of the passage. Recounting the same event and it's terribly disastrous aftermath, the Chronicler (believed by many to be the author of Chronicles, Ezra, and the biblical form of the memoirs of Nehemiah) states, in 1 Chronicles 21:1, that Satan opposed Israel and caused David to count the Israelites. Except if one surmises that God and Satan are one and the same being, which would be heretical, this constitutes a clear example of the passive will of God not being something actively willed, endorsed, or instructed by the loving, ethical Creator, but ascribed to the divinity in view of his perceived omnipotence.

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A rational, Inclusive, Biblical, Counter-Authoritarian, Counter-Genocidal Aternative to the Authoritarian, "Pie in the Sky," bulbous God Concept

by John Ernest Tumpkin

Note: All English Biblical Scripture references are from the New King James Bible (1992).

The God presented at the beginning of the Hebrew-Christian scriptures is neither misogynistic nor approving of gender dominance. According to Genesis 1:26, 27, male and female are created" in the image of God." It will also be observed from this mini treatise that the God who is the epitome of existence is neither an arrogant fathead nor a homicidal, genocidal maniac. It is clear from biblical idiom, semantics and worldview, that the divine endorsement in the Pentateuch (Torah/Law) of wholesale annihilation of the Canaanites by the occupying Israelites involves not only the active will of God, which is always in harmony with God's loving, holy nature; but also the passive will of God, concerning which the omnipotent (all-powerful, all capable) God is deemed to be in charge of all things good and bad in the creation, including the evil that he actively opposes. Thus God willed that the Israelites, escaped slaves from Egypt, occupy the land of Canaan (roughly corresponding to modern day Israel, West Bank, and Gaza, or Palestine and beyond), as all humans have divine freedom to any and every part of the globe, although this is regulated by human policies and laws, which, historically, have been significantly extremist, exclusionist, and in violation of human rights. Therefore, the military excesses that took place in the process of Israelite occupation on the part of both Canaanites and Israelites, and which are contrary to the loving, ethical, nature and character of God, are not reflective of the active will of God, but of God's passive will (allowing evil to happen, despite his omnipotence). In the legal language of the Torah, the divine instructions to totally annihilate the Canaanites because of their obvious evils could be reflective of lawyers for the dispossessed and dominated arguing thus: "So you maintain that in all that you did, you were carrying out the unequivocal instructions of a totally luminous God? Yes. So your God instructed you to wipe out the whole population of prior inhabitants of the land? Yes. This included women, children, and even babies? Yes." Nowhere on Earth would such a defence succeed, hence the recording of the substance of this case indelibly in the Pentateuch, in the language of dominance and theological, theocratic justification, is a permanent record to compel considerateness and compensation, and to restrain and limit further genocides, albeit on a lesser scale than that committed by surrounding, warlike nations. Such a self-condemning, biblical document record also provided strong legal justification for Israelite refusal to partner freely with other nations in military adventurism, in order to avoid adding to their load of culpability and legal condemnation.

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My previous comment assumes the broad discrediting of the concept of a bulbous God, made in the image of humankind, in disorder to justify dominance and authoritarianism.

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I like testable hypothesis- do you have one?

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"In him we live and move and have our being..."

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Articulating a testable, alternative hypothesis to the bulbous God concept, in the context of abuse of Scripture to enforce authoritarianism and excuse genocide, would require a full treatise. However, I shall endeavor to provide a mini treatise on the subject after this response. Conditions of writing sometimes necessitate a segmented document in consecutive comments.

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