Dear Dr Lee, Your books are important, and it's obvious that what you have to say is critical. It's hard to believe that you are having trouble finding a publisher. That said however, you may consider self publishing via Amazon KDP. Ingram Spark is another option. Holly Brady is a Stanford professor who teaches a course on self-publishing She was very helpful in helping me publish 2 books. I used Fiverr to do the book design, index, illustrations (I am a physician/surgeon and had 80 illustrations in my 2 books). The problem has been marketing and distribution, which is a full time job that I am not qualified to do. Nevertheless, the fact that only 4 people have commented on today's critically important Newsletter is depressing. Millions of people need to start paying attention to what you are warning us about, time and time and time again. I sincerely hope that you find a publisher who will promote your next book for the sake of all of us.
I underdtood the APA threw a wrench in the works but until now, did not undrrstand the level of corruption You have spoken if it before. I heard it before. I believe, this time revisitting history, i see how utterly , surgically, destructive they are.
I deeply regret the damage they are causing you and by extension, the populace. You are very strong. The countervailing forces are a David/Goliath dynsmic.
Thank you for your service and sacrifice, and continued efforts to warn.
Several parallels here to Germany's decline into fascism, and her choice of a malignant narcissist autocrat ruler. In both post-WWI Germany and in post-Reagan United States, political-socio rot had set in, with corruption in high places and dissatisfaction with a status quo by proletariats. Germans suffered from reparations and economic depression after WWI. In the United States citizens suffered from a free market conservatism that had created the greatest income inequality seen there in over one hundred years. Rot festered in both societies unremarked until the slow fascist beasts began moving their legs. When those beasts did rise to power, both nations faced two challenges: one, get rid of the fascist beasts that bad governance had nurtured; and two, excise the socioeconomic rot that had midwifed the beasts. Germany failed her test. And now the United States is facing the same test. The rise of the MAGA movement in the United States that seeks to "make America great again" is eerily similar to Germany's Third Reich's promising to restore Germany's former glory. This does not look good for the United States. After all, we have see this play before.
One thing I can attest, having just done a post search on FB re: "Maui" that social media zone is swamped & swarming w/ fox/newsmax/far-right outlets w/ a lot of promo flooding the zone w/crazy-making propaganda & conspiracies, even if you try to block them, the algorithm keeps promoting fascist/authoritarian posts, noticeably absent is similar content from say ABC/MSNBC/NPR or any left/progressive funded outlets. A replay of 2016, on steroids....
It is this! There is a TRANSNATIONAL CRIMINAL SYNDICATE, of which trump is a part. It includes primary players putin mbs mbz with the participation of Murdoch and other media tech people like musk and the Facebook guy. Most people should never watch any of those stations,EVER, as they do not possess the discernment necessary to keep their minds safe. The same is true for social media platforms. If you are unable to identify the difference between the truth and a lie, they’ve literally got your number, and hammer you with specific brain altering information to sway your thinking! Remember Cambridge Analytica? That was just a TEST RUN! But that’s the problem, and these BAD PLAYERS KNOW IT! They are the WEALTHIEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD! But there is no such thing as enough when your hollow inside, so you gotta have more.
Just like in the 2020 elections, they had specific voter information down to the precinct level and often down to the voter, and utilized it to sway the election. Now where did get that information? Well, just like the brainwashing occurring on social media & who’s benefit it’s for, trump and his acolytes. Remember, Paul manafort went to prison for giving USA voters information to the Russians. Given the level of sophistication and ability to target specific voters on social media, there were more players who gathered that information and a shared it.
It’s also important that they are playing the long game as they are a generational organization of people who see themselves and often are ABOVE THE LAW! If enough of our world leaders hold these people accountable, we have a shot! The epicenter of the entire world and this fight is in Ukraine, and the ONLY way out is for them to WIN! Because if they don’t, the horrors of authoritarianism will continue to roll on to the next country and the next country. Latvia Lithuania Estonia Poland and several other countries CLEARLY understand this and have educated their peoples to keep them safer. That is what all this destruction of our education system is about. An uneducated population is more easily manipulated. A shining point is our Youth, who DO POSSESS much better discernment skills with online content.
This is and always had been THE MARCH OF DEMOCRACY. Washington and Lincoln knew it, Franklin even has a phrase that sticks with us today, “A REPUBLIC, IF YOU CAN KEEP IT!”
Je réagis à votre article en français ma langue d’expression.
Je lis avec grand intérêt ce que vous écrivez et publiez sur ce qui se passe dans votre pays.
Et si la solution au problème venait de l’intérieur? En effet les centaines de personnes incarcérées suite à l’insurrection.
Seraient-elles les mieux placées pour faire comprendre aux groupes d’extrême droite ce qui les a conduit derrière les barreaux, les mensonges, les tricheries, les manipulations d’un des plus grands criminels de l’histoire américaine.
Un allègement de leur peine d’emprisonnement pourrait-il devenir le moyen de les inciter à partager leur histoire, leur cheminement.
Mme Lee, je lierais avec plaisir votre réaction à ce courriel.
Thank you, Dr. Lee, for your ongoing and consistent persistence in the face of an outrageous, ignorant and powerful effort to silence you. We deeply need your professional perspicacity and intellectual rigor. Thank you for hanging in there for the love of liberty, democracy and a healthy society. I appreciate how you frame the issues and charactyerize the facts. You are spot on.
Dear Dr Lee. I have a question on trump as well as his followers..first I would like to state. You were Right in the over all psychiatric assessment on Trump. Now that the public knows most of this individual and his followers.
My question is what's the best way to diffuse this cult? I hope you ,as well as your colleagues can offer the public some suggestions. Thank you 🙏
As a mental health professional, I share your concerns and have since you first came further with them. This is dangerous and will get worse until Trump is stopped.
Bandy- As an author myself, I share your frustrations re finding a publisher. I have gone the self publishing route and am currently working with Xulon Press to revise my book Following Jesus in the Age of Trump to Following Jesus in the Age of Trumpism (that you call the Trump contagion and that Steve Hanson calls the Cult of Trump). I too am concerned about the current dangers of a thermonuclear war and the disastrous escalating climate change. We all need to support one another. But there isn't time considering that the election of 2024 is a little more than a year away. So self publishing and self marketing is the only way to go.
If you are a believer, you should know where all this is going. Just as surely Jesus exists, Satan exists, and he knows his days are running short, and he wants to destroy this world rather than lose it to Jesus. The modern Christian tendency is to ignore the prominent Bible passages about the end and focus on relationship with God. Perhaps they think it is too confusing since so much misinterpretation has led to repeated disappointments. But if we take the whole Bible seriously we should “keep on the watch,” as Jesus himself exhorts (Matthew 24:42).
The most pointed verse in this context is Rev 12:12, which tells us why Jesus knew the last days would be so turbulent. The last-days period begin with a defeat for Satan away from Earth (vss 7-11). Some think that happened before he spoke to Eve, but clearly not if you read this carefully, rather it has to have been rather recent. Whatever the details, we are racing toward the final showdown. Buckle up. (Eph 6:10-18)
The Trumpian evangelicals are unfortunately following the anti-Christ, just as 2 Thess 2:3-12 warns us not to do. Verse 10 explains why.
I preached on that Ephesians passage in Cairo, Egypt. We need to put on the full armor of God every day and pray - especially for those who are following the anti-Christ of our age- Donald Trump and try to find ways to bring his cult followers back to the true Jesus - which I try to do in my book. I was just thinking today. Trump embodies all the Devil's characteristics - especially as he excels in lying.
PS: Those who believe that God will destroy the Earth himself have to ignore all the promises in scripture of a peaceful “new earth” when Satan is gone. This planet is God’s property and his original will that it be a beautiful home for mankind will not be defeated. Good things are coming!
I am so glad you are here on Substack, and look forward to following your work here.
Your understanding of the human mind is critical to helping America turn back this ugly tide of red hatred.
I have also been writing about the fate of the nation, and how those on the right have been so easily led astray while those on the left continue to see the truth so much more easily. I think the fight lies in the “mental pathways” of our core beliefs, and agree that there is where the battle for Earth will play out.
Here is a brief snippet I sent a friend on another site this morning:
The issue with what people think, and why they believe what they believe, goes much deeper than simply believing the lies Trump and the Clown Posse tell them. There is a foundation of beliefs those on the right hold: what Trump lays on top--like what Hitler did--is easily accepted by those already filled with misogynistic and racist beliefs. Those on the left have rejected the ways of hatred, of power and control over the lives of others, and over animosity toward our fellow man.
I am an independent author and have self-published 31 books of non-fiction without spending a penny on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), a subsidiary of Amazon. All my books can be purchased on the 18 Amazon marketplaces around the world. Authors set the price for each book and their royalties are deposited in their bank accounts. If no "mainstream" publisher will publish your new book, KDP is the solution! Good luck and God bless you. [] Ronald W. Kenyon
Dear Dr Lee, Your books are important, and it's obvious that what you have to say is critical. It's hard to believe that you are having trouble finding a publisher. That said however, you may consider self publishing via Amazon KDP. Ingram Spark is another option. Holly Brady is a Stanford professor who teaches a course on self-publishing She was very helpful in helping me publish 2 books. I used Fiverr to do the book design, index, illustrations (I am a physician/surgeon and had 80 illustrations in my 2 books). The problem has been marketing and distribution, which is a full time job that I am not qualified to do. Nevertheless, the fact that only 4 people have commented on today's critically important Newsletter is depressing. Millions of people need to start paying attention to what you are warning us about, time and time and time again. I sincerely hope that you find a publisher who will promote your next book for the sake of all of us.
I underdtood the APA threw a wrench in the works but until now, did not undrrstand the level of corruption You have spoken if it before. I heard it before. I believe, this time revisitting history, i see how utterly , surgically, destructive they are.
I deeply regret the damage they are causing you and by extension, the populace. You are very strong. The countervailing forces are a David/Goliath dynsmic.
Thank you for your service and sacrifice, and continued efforts to warn.
Several parallels here to Germany's decline into fascism, and her choice of a malignant narcissist autocrat ruler. In both post-WWI Germany and in post-Reagan United States, political-socio rot had set in, with corruption in high places and dissatisfaction with a status quo by proletariats. Germans suffered from reparations and economic depression after WWI. In the United States citizens suffered from a free market conservatism that had created the greatest income inequality seen there in over one hundred years. Rot festered in both societies unremarked until the slow fascist beasts began moving their legs. When those beasts did rise to power, both nations faced two challenges: one, get rid of the fascist beasts that bad governance had nurtured; and two, excise the socioeconomic rot that had midwifed the beasts. Germany failed her test. And now the United States is facing the same test. The rise of the MAGA movement in the United States that seeks to "make America great again" is eerily similar to Germany's Third Reich's promising to restore Germany's former glory. This does not look good for the United States. After all, we have see this play before.
Try talking with Steven Hassan about publication by his Freedom of Mind Press. He’s a cult expert and the author of The Cult of Trump.
One thing I can attest, having just done a post search on FB re: "Maui" that social media zone is swamped & swarming w/ fox/newsmax/far-right outlets w/ a lot of promo flooding the zone w/crazy-making propaganda & conspiracies, even if you try to block them, the algorithm keeps promoting fascist/authoritarian posts, noticeably absent is similar content from say ABC/MSNBC/NPR or any left/progressive funded outlets. A replay of 2016, on steroids....
It is this! There is a TRANSNATIONAL CRIMINAL SYNDICATE, of which trump is a part. It includes primary players putin mbs mbz with the participation of Murdoch and other media tech people like musk and the Facebook guy. Most people should never watch any of those stations,EVER, as they do not possess the discernment necessary to keep their minds safe. The same is true for social media platforms. If you are unable to identify the difference between the truth and a lie, they’ve literally got your number, and hammer you with specific brain altering information to sway your thinking! Remember Cambridge Analytica? That was just a TEST RUN! But that’s the problem, and these BAD PLAYERS KNOW IT! They are the WEALTHIEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD! But there is no such thing as enough when your hollow inside, so you gotta have more.
Just like in the 2020 elections, they had specific voter information down to the precinct level and often down to the voter, and utilized it to sway the election. Now where did get that information? Well, just like the brainwashing occurring on social media & who’s benefit it’s for, trump and his acolytes. Remember, Paul manafort went to prison for giving USA voters information to the Russians. Given the level of sophistication and ability to target specific voters on social media, there were more players who gathered that information and a shared it.
It’s also important that they are playing the long game as they are a generational organization of people who see themselves and often are ABOVE THE LAW! If enough of our world leaders hold these people accountable, we have a shot! The epicenter of the entire world and this fight is in Ukraine, and the ONLY way out is for them to WIN! Because if they don’t, the horrors of authoritarianism will continue to roll on to the next country and the next country. Latvia Lithuania Estonia Poland and several other countries CLEARLY understand this and have educated their peoples to keep them safer. That is what all this destruction of our education system is about. An uneducated population is more easily manipulated. A shining point is our Youth, who DO POSSESS much better discernment skills with online content.
This is and always had been THE MARCH OF DEMOCRACY. Washington and Lincoln knew it, Franklin even has a phrase that sticks with us today, “A REPUBLIC, IF YOU CAN KEEP IT!”
Mme Lee bonjour,
J’espère que vous avez un bon début de journée.
Je réagis à votre article en français ma langue d’expression.
Je lis avec grand intérêt ce que vous écrivez et publiez sur ce qui se passe dans votre pays.
Et si la solution au problème venait de l’intérieur? En effet les centaines de personnes incarcérées suite à l’insurrection.
Seraient-elles les mieux placées pour faire comprendre aux groupes d’extrême droite ce qui les a conduit derrière les barreaux, les mensonges, les tricheries, les manipulations d’un des plus grands criminels de l’histoire américaine.
Un allègement de leur peine d’emprisonnement pourrait-il devenir le moyen de les inciter à partager leur histoire, leur cheminement.
Mme Lee, je lierais avec plaisir votre réaction à ce courriel.
Michel Mercier,
canadien, québécois.
Thank you, Dr. Lee, for your ongoing and consistent persistence in the face of an outrageous, ignorant and powerful effort to silence you. We deeply need your professional perspicacity and intellectual rigor. Thank you for hanging in there for the love of liberty, democracy and a healthy society. I appreciate how you frame the issues and charactyerize the facts. You are spot on.
Dear Dr Lee. I have a question on trump as well as his followers..first I would like to state. You were Right in the over all psychiatric assessment on Trump. Now that the public knows most of this individual and his followers.
My question is what's the best way to diffuse this cult? I hope you ,as well as your colleagues can offer the public some suggestions. Thank you 🙏
As a mental health professional, I share your concerns and have since you first came further with them. This is dangerous and will get worse until Trump is stopped.
Bandy- As an author myself, I share your frustrations re finding a publisher. I have gone the self publishing route and am currently working with Xulon Press to revise my book Following Jesus in the Age of Trump to Following Jesus in the Age of Trumpism (that you call the Trump contagion and that Steve Hanson calls the Cult of Trump). I too am concerned about the current dangers of a thermonuclear war and the disastrous escalating climate change. We all need to support one another. But there isn't time considering that the election of 2024 is a little more than a year away. So self publishing and self marketing is the only way to go.
If you are a believer, you should know where all this is going. Just as surely Jesus exists, Satan exists, and he knows his days are running short, and he wants to destroy this world rather than lose it to Jesus. The modern Christian tendency is to ignore the prominent Bible passages about the end and focus on relationship with God. Perhaps they think it is too confusing since so much misinterpretation has led to repeated disappointments. But if we take the whole Bible seriously we should “keep on the watch,” as Jesus himself exhorts (Matthew 24:42).
The most pointed verse in this context is Rev 12:12, which tells us why Jesus knew the last days would be so turbulent. The last-days period begin with a defeat for Satan away from Earth (vss 7-11). Some think that happened before he spoke to Eve, but clearly not if you read this carefully, rather it has to have been rather recent. Whatever the details, we are racing toward the final showdown. Buckle up. (Eph 6:10-18)
The Trumpian evangelicals are unfortunately following the anti-Christ, just as 2 Thess 2:3-12 warns us not to do. Verse 10 explains why.
I preached on that Ephesians passage in Cairo, Egypt. We need to put on the full armor of God every day and pray - especially for those who are following the anti-Christ of our age- Donald Trump and try to find ways to bring his cult followers back to the true Jesus - which I try to do in my book. I was just thinking today. Trump embodies all the Devil's characteristics - especially as he excels in lying.
PS: Those who believe that God will destroy the Earth himself have to ignore all the promises in scripture of a peaceful “new earth” when Satan is gone. This planet is God’s property and his original will that it be a beautiful home for mankind will not be defeated. Good things are coming!
Dr. Lee:
I am so glad you are here on Substack, and look forward to following your work here.
Your understanding of the human mind is critical to helping America turn back this ugly tide of red hatred.
I have also been writing about the fate of the nation, and how those on the right have been so easily led astray while those on the left continue to see the truth so much more easily. I think the fight lies in the “mental pathways” of our core beliefs, and agree that there is where the battle for Earth will play out.
Here is a brief snippet I sent a friend on another site this morning:
The issue with what people think, and why they believe what they believe, goes much deeper than simply believing the lies Trump and the Clown Posse tell them. There is a foundation of beliefs those on the right hold: what Trump lays on top--like what Hitler did--is easily accepted by those already filled with misogynistic and racist beliefs. Those on the left have rejected the ways of hatred, of power and control over the lives of others, and over animosity toward our fellow man.
I look forward to your work.
I am an independent author and have self-published 31 books of non-fiction without spending a penny on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), a subsidiary of Amazon. All my books can be purchased on the 18 Amazon marketplaces around the world. Authors set the price for each book and their royalties are deposited in their bank accounts. If no "mainstream" publisher will publish your new book, KDP is the solution! Good luck and God bless you. [] Ronald W. Kenyon