Trump's deficient intellect has been noted by many who've worked with him (and why would they lie with such conviction about that?). I think he has lifelong learning disabilities —like someone else I know who nonetheless is THE MOST self-confident, energetically, insistently self-asserting and always needing-to-take-charge person you could ever meet!

It seems like for some reason people have forgotten the simple truth that mouthy know-it-alls DON'T REALLY KNOW IT ALL!

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Today i woke up from this bad dream. I am not superstitious by any means. But the dream was interesting so i thought i should share.

In dream, i am a Trump follower (i don't know how) and i revere Trump. But Trump is now sick & ill (i don't know how). Trump due to his illness is near his death. He looks ok, he still wears his suit with a red tie. We, the Trump followers, know that our Boss, the father figure is about to die. Now Trump takes a train ride as an ordinary passenger. I am his follower, seeing his train journey on a TV. I am sad about Trump's fate. Suddenly Trump takes the train hostage. He suddenly pulls out a gun. He throws some passengers off the train. He plans to kill everybody. Police & govt comes in and try to stop this hijack and plan to neutralize Trump, and all of that is now unfolding on live TV. This is very shocking and heartbreaking to me to see the final hour of Trump. However, before he can sabotage the train and kill everybody, he instead decides to commit suicide by jumping off the train. He jumps off the train, devouring his body on live TV. As Trump dies, the camera pans away from his gore death.

Dreams are weird. Subconscious mind mingles random things in interesting ways.

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Indeed, upliftment and progression of society is dependent upon continual improvement of our human systems and institutions, through which we most objectively express our selves.

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I would appreciate a clip of the speech by the doctor who works in the military to “approve” or “deny” whether one is fit, for example, to fly a plane, have access to certain equipment/information, etc. (I apologize -I need to look up his name. He may be a “Brigadier General”(?)

Thank you! 🙏🏻💙

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THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for presenting this information in another manner - shorter, more succinct- for some, easier to grasp!👌😁🙏🏻

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