Dr Lee,

I finally read the two compendia on the danger of candidate Trump. I salute the unceasing effort you have expended in fulfilling what you rightly deem to be a 'duty to warn'. Many thanks.

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Hopium Chronicles - What's Next? How to Cut the Head Off the Snake Worldwide

🔸️FITNESS FOR DUTY EVALUATIONS that are mandatory, like the military for high responsibility positions, would have stopped Trump before he got within a mile of the White House. True for every dictator, authoritarian, and oligarch worldwide.

Bandy X Lee, Steven Hassan, and 100 other psychiatrists agree Trump has five dangerous mental illnesses as listed in the books "The More Dangerous Case of Donald Trump" and "The Psychology Of Trump Contagion - An Existential Threat to American Democracy and All Humankind".

In one fell swoop, Fitness for Duty Evaluations worldwide, stops every dictator, authoritarian, and oligarch.

"Containing Trump Contagion and Healing from Mental Pathology in Politics"


🔸️Fitness for Duty Evaluations start with everyone who interacts with the individual in question, and when red flags start to appear, 'say something.'

The US Military has procedures to follow that require individuals in question to have a Fitness for Duty Evaluation. Voters must demand the House and Senate do the same.

"Stephen Xenakis- Fitness for Duty Exams: Preventing Autocratic Abuse"


🔸️Outside the military are professionals like Dr. Bandy X. Lee who has several dozen colleagues all of whom are highly qualified to do Fitness for Duty Evaluations.

The U.S. House and Senate have several mechanisms to enforce their rules, including:

* Leadership

* Committees

* Floor Procedures

* Party Discipline

It's important to note that these mechanisms are not always used consistently or effectively. The more voters demand mentally fit leaders the more the House and Senate will comply.

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Thank you, Dr. Lee, for the rousing call to prioritize mental health in politics and in society. South Africa does not have nuclear weapons but has nuclear armament potential. It is transparently clear that every country that processes nuclear energy, using nuclear reactors, has nuclear armament potential, which matter is more than a storm in a teacup or a figment of a fantastic tale. Therefore, nuclear weapons, ideally, are stored capsules of nuclear energy in projectile form. From this perspective of nuclear armament potential, the whole Earth may become almost fully nuclear weapon free, through reduction ro a bare minimum of live nuclear projectiles, predominantly for interplanetary security purposes, and whose presence does not significantly exceed the nuclear hazard of unconverted nuclear energy storage capsules. Large nuclear energy storage, through uranium and plutonium capsule projectiles, because these are largely unusable in warfare on Earth, due to environmental and population effects, predispose toward eventual large interplanetary migrations. The limiting factor in human interplanetary missions, which, in my view has prevented personed "alien landings" on actual planets, including Earth, is oxygen, as space travel based on oxygen tanks will only go so far for so long, necessitating a foundational or reserve electrolysis-based system, in which water must be safely and cleanly split into its constituent elements of hydrogen and oxygen, ideally in the water recycling system of a spacecraft. My personal projection is that crew and passenger usage electrolysis-produced oxygen for spacecraft, complementing oxygen tanks, will not be available for public space travel usage before 2050 to 2100 or even beyond, at which point vast and frienzedly stored nuclear capsule projectile stored energy will be periodically converted into spacecraft propellant, to transfer populations to other planets such as Mars, proportionate to the size of the nuclear weaponry or storage arsenals of the nuclear power territory.

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Correction - "reduction to..."

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Dr. Lee,

A very good friend of mine casts a blind eye to the perilous future Mr. Trump threatens for a very specific reason: She has been trained to the conviction that Kamala Harris unquestionably represents certain doom. As you would expect, information about the reality of Mr. Trump does not reach her. But more immediately, the certainty around Ms. Harris's corrupt and invincible evil power consumes her discernment. And as you would expect, there is zero room for couner-factuals. This prejudgement seals off considerations of threat from Mr. Trump.

If there is a way, i would like to forward a succinct written statement by her intended to squelch any discussion. The question I have is is she representative of a separate challenge? It seems that public discourse presumes that acceptance of VP Harris's reasonableness is a straightforward proposition, whereas my friend is impervious to any considerations about former president Trump.

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The myth of the western cowboy is a false myth of our culture. Biden gave permission to Netanyahu to assassinate terrorist leaders and teachers like Bin Laden, Sinwar and Nasrallah which is a rational solution to the contagion of mass murder.

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