"Thirty spokes share the hub of a wheel;

yet it is its center that makes it useful.

You can mould clay into a vessel;

yet, it is its emptiness that makes it useful.

Cut doors and windows from the walls of a house;

but the ultimate use of the house

will depend on that part where nothing exists.

Therefore, something is shaped into what is;

but its usefulness comes from what is not."

Tao Te Ching

Hope this is helpful.

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I’m profoundly moved by the response from a reader. Thank you for sharing, but like that person, thank you for your advocacy and persistence.

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Thank you so very very much for your ongoing efforts on behalf of all of us. I continue to draw comfort, guidance and inspiration from your writings and interviews...

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Beautiful newsletter and beautiful comments!

thank you for sharing a readers note to you

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Your recent news letter today is simply beautiful. th

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I so deeply respect the way you see and express truth and are unafraid to speak it, or maybe you are afraid but are not deterred and have so much courage. Thank you so much for writing and sharing this. I need to be reminded of my own human goodness, aspiration and inspiration. I forget and too often ignore this deeply human need of connection to my deeper self and fall into despair or become discouraged. In this way, you bring the best out of me, and all of us. You made my day, week and. . . . . . . .

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A therapist told me once, “Don’t just do something, stand there.” He is a fellow musician. He also came to my batizado when I was initiated into the life of capoeira. I don’t practice this art any longer. I miss it and still love it. But m involvement took away from my music practice. Music is essential for life especially in times like these. I don’t fancy myself a decent lyricist so I’m focusing on instrumentals. My jazz professor told us his opinion that instrumental music as an inherently abstract art. All art is abstract. Yet expression like dreaming is universal. To me creative expression is essential for health. Miles Davis talked of the importance of space in music. Today my long time practice of “not looking at a tree” is still helpful with centering. It is unfortunate so many have tried to suppress creativity. Creating is dreaming aloud. Dreaming s essential for health.

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Thank you …very powerful words we all need to reflect on.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and expertise. These are challenging times , and we all need to stop and smell the roses.

As you suggest, treat yourself to a healthy life style so you in turn you can treat others the same.

What goes around comes around . Kindness is free…. So let’s all be kind to each other .

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Brava. The discipline of pausing is def related to my spiritual practices of aesthetic and martial arts and meditation and movement disciplines. Pausing is a valuable life tool. I love how my roshi talks about her practice of expanding the pause - this has been useful to me

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I could never adopt/understand spirituality & slowly becoming a Nihilist about mankind's fate. One should definitely explore spirituality if it gives you inner strength. Otherwise Nihilism is among the worst intellectual disease.

You also remind me of Indian thinker Arun Shourie. Economist, journalist, politician, author - a man of many faces. A flawed man undoubtedly but aspiring to be better. Fired from newspapers, media and later from his political party because his views never could be aligned with the institutions. Or more precisely, the institutional views were obsolete while his views were pragmatic. But also riddled with personal struggles including political vendettas against him for standing up against his own party when it turned into Fascism. His only son is mentally incapacitated since childhood (patient of cerebral palsy). His wife suffering with Parkinson. His mantra of life is - "Through the suffering, i find my true inner strength." This has some similarity to DeGaulle's relationship with his daughter.


Arun Shourie talks about his two face struggle. First as a speaker & an intellectual with a duty to warn against India's religious Fascism (Hindutva). The Fascists in response trying to silence him (political witch hunts, threats etc). Other face of struggle is his fear about his nearing end of life. The fear about what will happen to his wife & son (both incapacitated) after his death. But he says that he channels his suffering into positive energy (somehow) and keeps up with daily struggle.

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Since everything is but an apparition, having nothing to do with good or bad, acceptance or rejection, one may well burst out in laughter.

- Longchenpa

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.


Nothing real can be threatened; nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the Peace of God

-A Couse In Miracles

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Feb 9Edited

Using art and physical discipline to check scientific work involves a non-egoic scientific dialectic that technological humanity needs if we're to live healthy, life-affirming lives, which is, as you say, to relax and follow simple science and pure ethics. The Power of Pause is a wonderful post.

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"It may be hard for the average person to imagine a human being without humanity, who fiendishly manipulates others and manifests boundless violence and cruelty." (Dr. Lee)

It seems our humanity is a goal and not a given.

"To make an actual diagnosis [of psychopathy], one needs a doctorate in psychology or psychiatry, forensic training, clinical experience with dangerous individuals, and specific training in administering the PCL-R. At least one qualified psychologist has publicly made the diagnosis..." (Dr. Lee)

In 2014, an APA publication stated there were 106,500 licensed psychologists in the United States. I'm glad "at least one" of these has warned the public about Trump's psychopathology.

Trumpism seems to have broken the mental health profession in a country needing objective self-inquiry, which at base requires the ability to be aware of what is beyond us, an ethical sense of self-restraint, patience, trust, and a longing to be better.

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Deactivating the imprints of hatred helps us - Hope you like this -

MOSF 19.1: Love Your Enemies? Jesus, King, Buddha, and the Psychology of Love https://eastwindezine.com/mosf-19-1-love-your-enemies-jesus-king-buddha-and-the-psychology-of-love/

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This was beautifully written. I assure you that you are not alone. More and more people are finding their true selves ... and many who were on the cusp found an important "pause" during the pandemic. There is so much to say and to share. One step at a time. Some pf us work to tie things together for others. I also recommend the Substack Positive Disintegration. I've found it to be a helpful construct.

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