It is important to continually use all the ways you can to get this information out. Thank you for your work.

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Trump is strong only as long as you don't enforce the law against him, as long as you give him free pass and as long as he gets the free media coverage, excesses to social media and public platforms (campaign rallies, events etc). You enforce the law to the letter and Trump turns out to be very weak.


While Trump has brainwashed millions of people, his base is not motivated for ground mobilization. He calls for protesters to show up on his trials, nobody comes. Surely, there is internet troll army of MAGA but little do they mobilize on ground. His rallies are funded with big $$$ to gather the dupes for public display.

I guarantee that jailing Trump will further weaken MAGA and may actually break the whole movement. There will be little or no protests. Whole MAGA movement can be nipped in the bud by enforcing the law and ending the public exposure of Trump.

However, if you allow Trump to go free, if you don't hold him accountable, if you allow him to gaslight the society and radicalize people. Then in November, you will see violence and anarchy.

When a human body is suffering from disease (like TB), there's a projection that TB will kill person. However, the projection is only valid only if don't undertake the treatment, you don't take your antibiotics (or dropout without taking the full course, making TB drug resistant). We have clear choice and possibilities. Whether we want to get well or whether we want to be sick & die.

The MAGA power is exaggerated, Trump is treated like powerful super villain. But he's only powerful because we refuse to implement the treatment.

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Please everyone, get a copy of psychiatrist M. Scott Peck MD 's "People of the Lie . . ." and read it. Long out of print but you can find one online. It is a master study of malignant narcissists, with real characters as well as medical explanation of the disease. Yet a remarkably easy to read. You will learn how powerful narcissists like Hitler and Trump destroy and enlist everyone around them. Peck said (I paraphrase) 'If pure evil could be diagnosed, it would be a malignant narcissist'.

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Hard Eyes VS Soft Eyes

Thank you Bob. Scott Peck was remarkable. I attended several of his workshops. At an Atlanta workshop called "Community building and peacemaking" the above phrase was born and later used in a subsequent book.

At a closing circle,one woman said: "Wheni first joined this group,I looked at everyone through "hard eyes". Today I M able,to see you all through "soft eyes".

Holding the vision for more relationships built by soft eyed people who save their hard eyes for finding and processing facts, data, and taking actionable steps to grow and nurture communities of fairness ,equity and loving kindness.

Ever Onward!

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Thanks Dwana !

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I must confess that I wondered whether your sweeping judgements about Trump were sustainable without direct contact with him.

Then you stated: [The argument that a psychiatrist or other educated professional can not evaluate another without direct contact] . . . . "is akin to saying that no legal expert can speak about any aspect of his legal cases without personally representing him and seeing his entire file first, before speaking about him only under his permission. What understanding would we have, then, of his four indictments and ninety-one criminal charges?"

That was great. Kiss my diffidence good-bye. Thank you, Ma'am.

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There are many levels of insanity washing over humanity in the early 21st century. On top of the Trump MAGA Cult which is the biggest threat to our nation and Democracy since the Confederacy and slavery divide which did lead to Civil War - A sense of hopelessness, especially among the youth based on real time phenomena such as extreme weather events via Global Warming and a huge wealth disparity and rigged Wall Street Casino accumulation to the top 1-10% resulting in a new Gilded Age 2.0 stratified society. These economic issues are at the core of the two populist camps - The conservative quasi-religious MAGAs and more Educated Secular and spiritual Bernie Sander devotees. The MAGAs who fear losing white privilege and are not sophisticated enough to connect the dots of the real underlying issue which a plutocracy/oligarchy 1% hegemony that even they cannot penetrate with their white privilege. Similar to the 99% of white Southerners who fought tooth and nail in the last Civil War to defend slavery that only benefited the rich 1% Plantation owners. Yet if these two huge populists groups actually put aside some of their differences and focused on the class issue and the rich keeping them down being the real enemy, things would definitely change for the better in this country as far as a better quality of life and some kind of better wages and redistribution of the wealth. The same types of creepy Machiavellian divide and conquer brainwashing that has worked since Medieval times continues to do so. The only difference being instead of the Aristocracy manipulating and exploiting the masses - it is now the titans of business billionaires that do so and are dragging us all to hell with their blind greed disease-which should be listed as such in the DSM manual! It's Starting to feel like Feudal times again and we are the serf peasant suckers that put up with so much abuse and daily stress, brainwashed to think it is good for us (1984) or everything is our fault, even when we do everything right according to social norms. Unfortunately, I don't see the two populist camps, liberal and conservative coming together for a civil disobedience class revolution reset any time soon, so the future does seem bleak. John Lennon once said that the older he got the more he realized the the leaders of the world are insane. Things have not changed much since his death by an insane murderer 44 years ago. Sad but true. What to do?

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Such clarity on our #NationalDilemma is hard to find. I prefer the diagnosis of “sociopath” to “mental impairments,” however?

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Have you had any discussion of this matter with military leaders whose first interest is the survival of freedom? Would the military refuse to obey Biden if he ordered the contagion dealt with? (Not that I would expect him to try; he seems unable to see clearly the need to act) Or would the military obey Trump if he ordered them to slaughter thousands to crush dissent? Are they that compromised yet?

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Good question. The military leaders take an oath to the Constitution not to the President.

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Having been married to and living under the deranged narcissistic level 10 wife of mine, I understand how people become confused and will do illegal or other criminal activities to support their narcissist. It is unfortunate that it is gotten to a national level.

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Trump is so insecure he needs to play authoritarian and boast about his money, because that is his only coping mechanism. He doesn't care who suffers, who he subjects to maltreatment - he has no conscience, and no soul. A real vindictive psychopath. Hopefully the electorate will realize this before it is too late. https://thelegaledition.substack.com/p/the-power-of-money-and-influence

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In regard to calls for federal military forces on the campuses of American universities, to an outsider that comes across as premature and draconian, although the principle of involving all states to fairly defuse the conflict is correct, in situations of national magnitude. It would be be gentler to involve federal police and federal support agencies, which, unfortunately, would involve the globally famous FBI, possibly supported by paramilitary and paramedic groups from all of the states. This line of proceeding, unlike when a powerfully overriding federal or national army is deployed, still leaves the state or provincial police, military and paramilitary agencies in control, being assisted by the federal command and complementary forces. This jurisdictional sensitivity helps to avoid victimization of persons in individual constituencies, from local to state or province, and significantly counterbalances jurisdictional overriding from the perspectives of other jurisdictions. May G-d bless to contain the student unrest situation peaceably and to restore continuous learning!

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Thank you, Dr. Lee, for this highly relevant article, which motivates readers to alert avoidance of the mental health issues of power domains of human society. The constitution of the United States of America militates against further, full-blown civil wars, by virtue of the significant autonomy of its individual states. In other types of governance, the significant autonomy of provinces and provincial governments also militates against full-blown civil war, in guaranteeing a similar expression to that of states of variegated political opinion and preferences. Low-key, muted, non-military scale civil engagement ceaselessly arises from powerful individuals repetitively trying to take control of the entire state or provincial apparatus nationally, vainly hoping to hugely override the variegated political will of the individual constituencies in furthering their own, grandiose objectives. It is this muted, low-key civil conflict, however prolonged, and not openly physical and violent fighting, nor military battle, which allows civilizations to endure, and which realistically allows for the eventual and peacefull "reign of" G-d.

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2 cents worth of substack in support of Dr. Lee:

Cruelty is a virus.

“Trump contagion” is infecting & poisoning our society, from top to bottom, from high court to city streets, with every incitement of rage, fear, hate, revenge, this one disturbed individual is literally sending demonic waves of psychopathology through the media streams, into homes, phones, brains around the world.

Curelty is a virus. Like a cancer, it eats at the foundations, cuts off sustenance & sanity, replaces health, civility, love with compulsive urges to do violence, desperation, feelings of doom. Chaos is unleashed on innocent people & animals, paranoia & projection of corruption drowns out morality & cooperative commonality.

The trump virus is feverishly spreading despair & confusion, disinformation & delusion, a cult-like counter-reality continuous threat, corrosive lies & attacks spread twice around the world & before the society can respond, another dose of shock attack.

“This is not normal” but then, if the media & establishment keep giving it air, legitimizing a platform for power, after all of the lies, violence, crimes, cruelty, the insanity & doom become normalized.

Why is Robert De Niro out there alone, trying to alert the country? Where are all of the other celebrities, artists, authors, producers, influencers… busy with their festivals & lux distractions, their latest shows & promotions.

But if the cruelty virus (fascism) takes over, as in Russia, your possibilities will be severely limited, if not snuffed out. Only months to go for America, every passing day the well-funded infection worms its way deeper, with the mob-boss molester squeezing our intimate parts harder, raising the threat level to existential.


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Will you pick up arms and go fight?

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