Yes, Doctor you correctly cite the 'Times cover story' & 'Project 25' as Trump's road maps for sedition. The New York State criminal case goes to the Jury of 5 Women & 7 men tomorrow in Judge Merchan's court. The verdict cannot be delayed for any reason.

We may have an entirely different political landscape by Friday along with real 5/28 primary election results highlighting Women's & Family health rights & even some J6 candidates.

Let's review where we are on May 31, 2024.

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In a word, WOWerful, Ma'am. I watched Trump's speech at the Libertarian convention and found it to be lucid, on-point, and unswerved by the mixed reaction -- the cheers and jeers from the crowd. This assessment does not praise Trump; it warns us that we have a lot of work to do. Trump is neither insane -- in the sense that he does not know better -- nor does he seem to have dementia oncoming. Very frightening to me because I was used to his rambling, scattered oration.

Fortunately, Bobby Kennedy's speech was very eloquent, tightly reasoned, and well-intentioned. I do not agree with much of what Mr Kennedy said, and he seems prone to conspiracy ideas (i.e., connecting a few dots elaborately and incorrectly). The good news is that, since Mr Kennedy and Trump draw upon the disaffected, Mr Kennedy will conceivably draw upon what used to be called 'Reagan Democrats' alienated from the Democratic Party now supporting Trump. Though he is less popular, if my supposition be accurate, President Biden, hopefully, will lose far fewer votes.

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P.S., one reason why I am positive on Bobby Kennedy, Jr vis à vis Trump is that Mr Kennedy attacked Trump on several key points on Saturday. At least some of the points that Mr Kennedy raised should show the alienated former Democrats that they are voting against their interests when they cast ballots for Trump.

After all of that bloviating by me, watch Mr Kennedy become Trump's running mate. ;)

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We can't say we have not been warned. The scary part of this comes from history. Hitler laid out his plans for the future he envisioned in "Mein Kampf" including writing that "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," a fabricated text that purported to expose a Jewish plot to control the world, was an authentic document. The world did not pay attention to his dangers until it was too late.

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Thank you, Dr. Lee, for faithfully keeping us up-to-date in regard to the crucial events pertaining to the American presidential elections in the fourth quarter of this year. If the main opposition wins the American election later this year, there will be no need for the current incumbents to implement emergency powers to prevent the resumption of office of the former president, which would only confuse the public and damage democracy. In the wake of the trumpeted win, all the delayed and latent cases against the former president and his supporters would suddenly become live, to "handcuff" him and his supporters against blatant violations of the American constitution, as well as glaring human rights violations. Such cases would last throughout his second tenure to maintain the "peace," even if they might be stifled from blow-by-blow media scrutiny. Sadly, significant numbers in the currently governing party may also contrive to manipulate the whole situation, in order to get relief from national and international legal and human rights cases discomforting them. In such scenarios, the bureaucracy runs the country more effectively and efficiently, and significant progress is made in reducing gargantuan national debt. Therefore, people in America and elsewhere should not lose sleep about who occupies the oval office or other realm of power, but only over whether or not they have done enough to reinforce the checks and balances of the state system, including electorally through emphatic voting in favor of human rights principles and fully functional judiciaries. No person is bigger than the human system of governance, laws and human rights regulations. Periodically, in human history and up to the present, some swollen-headed monarchs and some big-headed politicians have succumbed to delusions of grandeur and drastic dominance, and have come to a dire demise, either openly through sudden death, or "deceptively" cloaked in false invincibility, by a reforming "continuation." G-d bless that we may ponder these things and remain unflinchingly in the cause of right over might!

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Unfortunately Democrats don't seem to like their candidate. And the mideast over reaction may be his undoing simply via guilt by association and insufficient condemnation.

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Bandy, I'm very worried that many Americans aren't aware that some candidates can have pathological, hidden motives for what sound like legitimate policy positions. People who think like Retrumplicans, who are now straight-up fascists, have tyrannized this country since 1492. Many Europeans came here already feeling entitled to rule, to own, and to destroy anything that impeded their empty search for wealth and self-aggrandizement. Our enlightened Founders, however, crafted a democratic-republic, but there have been monarchists among the ruling elite for centuries, trying to legitimize their pathological drive for absolute power. George W. and Dick Cheney tried it with their concept of the "unitary executive," a version of what TFG is demanding, absolute power including the right to assassinate whomever he pleases with complete immunity from prosecution. Here we have the pathological grandiosity of a raving psychopath mapping onto what can seem like a legitimate, political position, complete with the cool rationale for why "he alone" needs this power. I doubt that he'd grant that power to President Biden or any other president, for that matter, but I sure wish some journalist would ask him that question so his pathological craving for the power to exact revenge would be made more obvious to the public.

"Project Destroy Democracy by 2025" isn't a list of "policy positions," it's one man's desperate longing to enact his fantasies of revenge by manipulating us into giving him absolute power. It becomes respectable only when dressed up by the likes of his sociopathic enablers who share the same hidden motives in the recesses of their own hate-filled, power-driven minds. Otherwise, if he wrote it himself, it would come out sounding like the screed of a deranged mass murderer. Alas, many Americans, and most of the media, I'm afraid, will discuss this terrifying "Project 2025" as if it were not saturated with unconscious fantasies of destruction, but just as another valid point of view.

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Trumps motives are not hidden. In plain sight.

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JBR, I agree that the plans for what they want to do, the policies they want to implement, are overt and obvious, and we should believe them the first time. By "hidden motives," I'm really speaking about unconscious drives that fuel these plots and plans...e.g. the driving need to dominate and reinforce, to themselves, that they are "strong."

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