Dr. Lee, keep sounding the alarm! I have followed your work since your first Yale conference, and your message has been consistent and accurate. It must be exhausting to confront roadblock after roadblock to your attempts to protect the health of the nation, and I'm so sorry you've had to spend years doing this thankless task. But I am deeply grateful for you--please, never give up, and know that you are cherished by countless people who rely on your wisdom and expertise.

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I've long thought that someone much smarter than trump identified a group of psychologically vulnerable Americans and used Fox News and other media to manipulate them. What else could explain their belief that he's a superman anointed by God to lead them?

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I fully agree! Thank you for regularly pointing out that Trump was a main reason for the pandemic, I wish this were part of the narrative. When he dismantled the pandemic response team, disaster awaited for the world.

I have a question regarding "There are many other ways in which Trump Contagion has manifested, including in the curtailment of basic free speech—in the newsrooms, at universities, in the courtroom, and inside Congress"--can you expand upon this curtailment?

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Propublica has done an investigation into corporations that have donated money to election deniers (Trump Contagion) in Congress. This is also an example of how the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United undermines democracy by equating money with free speech and perpetuates Trump Contagion.

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I wonder if Dr Lee could try to get a wider audience by going on a show like real Time with Bill Maher. He is becoming a respected media source on both right and left. Going to the conservative media is important to directly confront their misreality. I wonder if Fox News would have Dr Lee on , say, Hannity.

For otherwise, good doctor, you are preaching to the choir

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Dr. Lee, we have known about people like Trump it seems like forever. I know you spotted him right away. He is a dangerous malignant narcissist. After so many years of him, we still don't do anything to stop him. Keep up your good work, we are on the edge of destruction.

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We’ve beaten him twice, in the popular vote. We’ll just have to beat him a third time.

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Excellent article. It's hard to stay optimistic these days.

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Thank you Dr. once again for your work and keeping us all on target.

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If the APA were to act ethically, it would need to examine itself as carefully as it wants to examine others. A hard truth is we only see outwardly as clearly as we see inwardly.

Most are unable to see how Ego drives our behavior, particularly how Ego drives our arbiters of truth: science and religion. In science, best practice involves using the scientific method to calibrate all our investigative instruments--yet most scientists calibrate every instrument except the observer, which means, without knowing, it they're allowing Ego to contaminate their observations. In religion, most observe the divine through Ego’s need for personal gratification, contaminating their spiritual life without knowing it.

The APA’s ethical failures and Trumpism are indicative of how Ego has hijacked our reasoning. The culprit here is unfettered Ego, which our society is more than happy to aggrandize. By nature, Ego sees only itself and wants to dominate anything not itself. When it can’t dominate, it moves in herds following what it thinks can dominate. This is a childish way of life. Ego is not set in stone. Each of the major spiritual disciplines present specific ways to sideline Ego.

As we mature, we learn to see the massive, beautiful world outside Ego and don’t allow ourselves to be influenced by Ego’s blinding influence.

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Bandy, you highlighted Putin as a cohort, when in historic & corruption influence, "vlad the poisoner" is the root ringleader of trump & much world radicalization. Follow the "active measures" documentary threads. Another very enlightening connection to follow is Michael Cohen, who also is loudly pronouncing the same phenomenon as your group (on Meidas Touch/Mea Culpa). Cohen has a deeper insight into the criminality & psychopathology of the "trump cult," having been a key player in the Trump Org taking the White House. Being a lawyer, he only reveals the critical details & avoids self-incrimination.

Lately i've been thinking, in biblical terms, we had wondered all along what kind of monster person could be the "antichrist" described in revelations. It seems like the deranged demagogue from trump tower has done everything, w/putin's coaching, to fulfill this role, with disturbing succe$$.

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A key scripture in that regard is 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12. A clear warning not to be deceived by the master Deceiver. There have been many false christs but a great final one seems to be meant in those verses, and Trump(ism) may fit. I have been sounding the warning implicit in verses 10-12 for some years now. Most just can’t see it, but then that’s what it says they would do.

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Why not change the term: "Trump Contagion" to something more accurate, like "Trump Psychopathy?" Trump sat in White House while Pence, Pence's kids & Congress were about to be raped/slaughtered... (and Trump did nothing). That's not a "Leader" -- That's not someone unable to act due to "shock" -- That's a Covert Psychopath=No conscience whatsoever... Willing to kill by proxy... And those who willingly lie, protect, legitimize or follow a Psychopath must be hiding their own hidden wishes or tendencies of psychopathy... "Power-Control-Domination" Maybe those who are just weak & want power or those who are not intelligent enough to recognize "evil/psychopathy" when they see it are the only fraction that might be "reachable" (maybe if they'd get past their Cognitive Dissonance...)

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Psychopathy refers to the man’s condition, whereas contagion refers to the spread outward of the mental condition. The afflicted are to some extent victims, even though they may become victimizers.

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Is there any info on Trump's childhood for developing his Narc/Socio/Psychopathic tendencies & lack of boundaries? Is it possible, as the wealthy often do, Trump wasn't raised by his own mother but by series of nannies/babysitters who come & go & who did not develop that emotional connection to him during his infant/toddler years? Or perhaps his mother was sick/ill or not present or not present "enough" to where his neuro-circuitry/synapse did not "connect" appropriately, like many in Cluster B Personality Disordered? Some (not all) wealthy women often use Nannies/Caretakers who come & go out of their child's life... and are emotionally disconnected to their own infants/children.

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I agree 100%, and thanks for continuing to inform and warn. Trump has been able to manipulate, but there's clearly a whole ecosystem in alignment - from media to evangelicals to everyday authoritarians who think that they need a bully in the bully pulpit. Violence has been and will be the outcome, the question is can we limit its virality?

2024's consequential election season looms. Psychiatrist Ravi Chandra takes a look at the Far-Right playbook and the choice between autocratic and egalitarian-in-progress choices, with a focus on psychology, propaganda, and dangerous influences that are amplifying chances of violence.

MOSF 18.12: Election Season 2024: Deconstructing the Trump/Far-Right Playbook and Propaganda, and Constructing a Positive Response From Our Shared Humanity and Reality – East Wind ezine (December 1, 2023)


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Thank you Dr. Lee for this important piece.

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Hello. Thank you again, Dr. Lee. It cannot be expressed often enough--thoroughly and widely. I still shake my head over the court's rulings that took Yale off the hook about terminating Dr. Lee's contract. Ironically, it could very well be yet another example of what she has been warning. It's all the more necessary to declare more power to her in her work through WMHC.

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With tremendous resect and appreciation, Dr. Lee, please know that I took heed to your sounding the alarm regarding Trump and the catastrophic demise globally with such a repulsive and sick man in the highest office worldwide.

I have followed you and the brave, conscietious, and morally driven psychiatrists that equally sacrificed livelihood and careers to warn humanity.

I hear you! I see you!

Unfit and A Duty To Warn are exactly what was needed to inform the masses of how incredibly dangerous and undeservingvateump is for the Presidency then and now.

Your sacrifice is honorable, and history will speak of you kindly. Thank you so very much for refusing to be quiet and caving to the pressure.

You are the tiny spot of light in a very dark. May you live your remaining days in great health and peace of mind.

Blessings Always, xoxo Frances

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I called it Trump Virus.

I have been observing that he makes everyone more psychopathic, and now BXL is saying this is true!

Playing catch up and will read the rest of BXLs work.

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