1- the government and army of the people of Gaza who chose to bring war into the streets of cities and towns with no care whatsoever for the population they represent. A government that started a war they knew they could not win and that would bring death and misery to the people they represented.
2- a terrorist organization keeping two million Palestinians as hostages. Hostages that have been abandoned by the international community and that no one dares rescue.
What is reactive abuse?
What is DARVO?
Can you look at the horrors the population of Gaza is living from a domestic abuse perspective? As a parallel process.
The ideal solution is in a U.S. Constitution's First Amendment, appropriately interpreted and administered. "Appropriately" is in prioritizing secular law, with equal justice based on independent objective evidence (which also pertains to science). It also includes recognition of belief systems from ancient times--religious faith- or opinion-based types. As such, it is simply realistic about how many humans continue to take comfort in explaining things, even in this scientific age. This ideal solution would not only be best for the Middle East but everywhere. The reality, of course, is how Israel maintains a right to exist basically because of a belief in a god that gave land to the Jewish people. After just about forever from having been persecuted, they now have a geographical area not only God-given but for a way of protecting themselves. The Muslim peoples/countries have their own priority of religious belief and their authorities to maintain it within their territories. Tragically, without universal justice in a common priority of secular law--regardless of geographical areas--there will be conflicts over demands for territory purportedly due to religious belief. The tragedy is furthered in how devout religious believers are abused by people who are power-hungry and use religion for control of territories. Thereby, the Israeli people and those like the author of this Personal Statement get horribly drawn into vicious cycles of conflicts that occur inside the box of prioritizing religious belief in governance. There is a sad irony in how the author found she could thrive in relative peace in countries that prioritize secular law. A humane step in the Middle East would involve everybody recognizing this kind of universal law, which would put Israel and Palestine on equal footing, to co-exist in relative peace with justice. Unfortunately, it would be such an immense step to take that it would be too big for the foreseeable future.
I'm not sure what you mean by "an amendment for the...Amendment." If you mean writing one for every country in addition to the U.S., I'd copy the U.S. one. Survive!
You mention the First Amendment appropriately interpreted and administered. How would you rewrite the First Amendment so it is more easily interpreted and administered in the US? That seems a hard document to write well, but fruitful to read.
Thank you--now I understand what you mean. The language is of course "18th Century," so political (while denying political) SCOTUS judges can misinterpret it. I'm not a Constitutional scholar, but my reading of the wording would be from some study of the Amendment. Wikipedia has a good summary, with careful citations. It basically points out that the Constitution has various parts that work together to prioritize secular law with requiring "due process," which would involve material evidence in courts. (Even though it apparently took getting around to the 14th Amendment to put due process in writing--an Amendment which is very much in the news right now.) Accordingly, I think it wouldn't be necessary to rewrite that Amendment itself if people understood the document as a whole, so I guess I'd have everybody in the world have various important parts of our Constitution to achieve my "ideal."
When writing, we assume a reader reading with good-faith and some similarity of shared background. No sentence is clear to everyone because every word in every sentence assumes a lifetime of experience and understanding, so we rely on the charity and good-faith of readers to fill in differences and make the ad hoc corrections needed for the reader.
I come from a world where everything can be rewritten for greater clarity and we only stop writing when diminishing returns make it no longer worth the effort. Everyone talks about what the framers intended, but how do we legitimately know this? Our scholarship definitely. Our education, study, and judgement, yes. However, this means we also need to have a decent grasp on the intention of multiple framers with multiple intentions, backgrounds, and deep values in a time of revolutionary conflict for an entire nation. How can we best frame the First Amendment for a 21s century audience with a 21st century technological background, education, values, and needs?
The Constitution is imperfect--and the Amendments were attempts to rectify what was left out. So what in today's terms should the First Amendment address further with more clarity for today's good-faith audience with a different education, experience, and world views? Yes, we need to know the intent of the entire Constitution, which might mean we might have to amplify every sentence anew today.
I assume most readers who are not reading with an agenda in mind want to see themselves as reading with good-faith. I'm wondering if somewhere good constitutional lawyers have made a crack at "amplifying" the First Amendment--and even the entire constitution, for today's citizenry. It may sound sacrilegious, but if the Trump era shows us anything, unarticulated norms are not enough when facing demagogues and would-be demagogues. Often, we don't know what we think and feel most deeply about the First Amendment until we actually see and hear our ideals put into words capable of guiding us through the real world.
As I watch current events, the country appears ungovernable because agreement about a common good has been replaced by a common egoic sophistry. Psychiatrists and epistemologists might help here. We may need an amplified US constitution rising from a broken nation. I'm sure there are drafts out there. I'd be curious what has been done specifically for the First Amendment.
I take your point. Perhaps you may do a search of the Internet with this question in mind. I have access to Google's AI "Gemini" (used to be Bard for only less than a year!). You might come up with specific websites with the general search. The AI might create something. Good luck!
To personalize so eloquently, in narrative form, the angst and pain inflicted upon one’s humanity that has been reduced to an abstract object by one’s oppressor, is an indomitable weapon that exposes, eviscerates and transcends the tragic, paradoxical reality of that oppressor’s recapitulation of the human horror visited upon their own ancestors 80 years ago. It is, in short, the psychological defeat of that oppressor’s material and mental armamentarium with a single pop of a metaphorical IED powered by genuine morality, wisdom and humanity.
2. Bibi is a Trumpian scoundrel who keeps Israel in perpetual conflict to long his political career. The corruption, bribery etc charges against Bibi are tip of the iceberg. His real crimes include treason, national sabotage and subversion (against Israeli state) and Wars of aggression and Genocide on international stage. If Bibi is deposed, he will face international war crime tribunal (ICJ or something like that) on world stage or otherwise he will face Israeli courts of his own country. Bibi (& his associates) are local as well as international criminals. If they step down, a prison cell awaits them.
3. Hamas is a terror organization. Originally developed as a 'controlled opposition' with assistance of Israeli regime to counter secular Palestinian authority. Hamas terrorists fanatics is an Israeli asset which helps Israel's foreign policy goals.
4. US also wants a permanent conflict in Middle east (ME). A stable ME will drift away from US & West (because of decades of imperial aggression of US in ME) and fall into sphere of influence of China &/or Russia.
5. Peaceful, seculars, intellectuals, intelligentsia of Palestine & Gaza is already murdered/assassinated by Israelis. Gaza people are helpless victims of terror organization of Hamas as well as Genocide by Israelis. Gaza people don't have any actual representative Govt which can pursue their interest.
1. Depose Hamas & handover Gaza to Palestinian authority. Most of Hamas top leadership resides in UAE, Qatar etc where these states temporize with Hamas for their own petty foreign policy objectives. An international consensus exists that Gaza should be handed over to Palestinian authority. Even US (as a figleaf of humanitarian rationality) is in favor of Palestinian take over of Gaza. So do it.
2. Depose Bibi (& his clique) and hand him over to ICJ. Charge him for war crimes, crimes against humanity and Genocide. Otherwise, depose Bibi to Israeli courts where he will also be charged for his crimes & corruption.
3. Implement two state solution where Israel & Palestine can co-exist peacefully. Various UN resolutions already exist on paper but never implemented. Make Jerusalem as independent mini state/city (like Vatican) which will be jointly governed by Palestine & Israel. Jews & Moslems will be free to exercise their religious rights peacefully.
4. US should give up its obsession of ME. If US wants to reconcile with ME, then participate in war torn nations of ME which have been destroyed by various aggression of US. Like a Marshall Plan for reconstruction of ME. US as well as China can both participate in progressive development of ME.
Thank you for the correction! This essay was redacted by a Jewish friend, so as to keep the former student safe (in the end, she may have lost her tens of thousands in scholarship from the University, because she could not return from Gaza in time).
It is a great imperative to find ways to "love our enemies" - a deeper love for ourselves and our human vulnerability and shared humanity is a pathway -
Meanwhile in the US of A our crisis grows ever larger thanks to giving the power of the Oval Office to the violence inducing MAGAt King for 4 longer years. Seems psychiatry should have listened more carefully to the knowledgeable Dr. Bandy Lee!! Ya think???!
People only talk about the traumas & horrors of this never-ending war on both sides and not the SOLUTIONS... Why? What choices do both sides have? Being stuck in the prison of trauma doesn't create solutions... it just keeps us within a prison of hatred, anger, revenge, BLINDNESS to solutions & a never-ending nightmare called Hell on Earth. WHY HAVEN'T THE VARIOUS POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS BEEN ADOPTED after 60+ years of bloodshed/trauma??? Who is STOPPING the SOLUTIONS to peace/prosperity for everyone? There ARE solutions!
What is Hamas?
1- the government and army of the people of Gaza who chose to bring war into the streets of cities and towns with no care whatsoever for the population they represent. A government that started a war they knew they could not win and that would bring death and misery to the people they represented.
2- a terrorist organization keeping two million Palestinians as hostages. Hostages that have been abandoned by the international community and that no one dares rescue.
What is reactive abuse?
What is DARVO?
Can you look at the horrors the population of Gaza is living from a domestic abuse perspective? As a parallel process.
The ideal solution is in a U.S. Constitution's First Amendment, appropriately interpreted and administered. "Appropriately" is in prioritizing secular law, with equal justice based on independent objective evidence (which also pertains to science). It also includes recognition of belief systems from ancient times--religious faith- or opinion-based types. As such, it is simply realistic about how many humans continue to take comfort in explaining things, even in this scientific age. This ideal solution would not only be best for the Middle East but everywhere. The reality, of course, is how Israel maintains a right to exist basically because of a belief in a god that gave land to the Jewish people. After just about forever from having been persecuted, they now have a geographical area not only God-given but for a way of protecting themselves. The Muslim peoples/countries have their own priority of religious belief and their authorities to maintain it within their territories. Tragically, without universal justice in a common priority of secular law--regardless of geographical areas--there will be conflicts over demands for territory purportedly due to religious belief. The tragedy is furthered in how devout religious believers are abused by people who are power-hungry and use religion for control of territories. Thereby, the Israeli people and those like the author of this Personal Statement get horribly drawn into vicious cycles of conflicts that occur inside the box of prioritizing religious belief in governance. There is a sad irony in how the author found she could thrive in relative peace in countries that prioritize secular law. A humane step in the Middle East would involve everybody recognizing this kind of universal law, which would put Israel and Palestine on equal footing, to co-exist in relative peace with justice. Unfortunately, it would be such an immense step to take that it would be too big for the foreseeable future.
Say you were on a committee to write an amendment for the US First Amendment. What would be your draft text of this amendment?
I'm not sure what you mean by "an amendment for the...Amendment." If you mean writing one for every country in addition to the U.S., I'd copy the U.S. one. Survive!
You mention the First Amendment appropriately interpreted and administered. How would you rewrite the First Amendment so it is more easily interpreted and administered in the US? That seems a hard document to write well, but fruitful to read.
Thank you--now I understand what you mean. The language is of course "18th Century," so political (while denying political) SCOTUS judges can misinterpret it. I'm not a Constitutional scholar, but my reading of the wording would be from some study of the Amendment. Wikipedia has a good summary, with careful citations. It basically points out that the Constitution has various parts that work together to prioritize secular law with requiring "due process," which would involve material evidence in courts. (Even though it apparently took getting around to the 14th Amendment to put due process in writing--an Amendment which is very much in the news right now.) Accordingly, I think it wouldn't be necessary to rewrite that Amendment itself if people understood the document as a whole, so I guess I'd have everybody in the world have various important parts of our Constitution to achieve my "ideal."
When writing, we assume a reader reading with good-faith and some similarity of shared background. No sentence is clear to everyone because every word in every sentence assumes a lifetime of experience and understanding, so we rely on the charity and good-faith of readers to fill in differences and make the ad hoc corrections needed for the reader.
I come from a world where everything can be rewritten for greater clarity and we only stop writing when diminishing returns make it no longer worth the effort. Everyone talks about what the framers intended, but how do we legitimately know this? Our scholarship definitely. Our education, study, and judgement, yes. However, this means we also need to have a decent grasp on the intention of multiple framers with multiple intentions, backgrounds, and deep values in a time of revolutionary conflict for an entire nation. How can we best frame the First Amendment for a 21s century audience with a 21st century technological background, education, values, and needs?
The Constitution is imperfect--and the Amendments were attempts to rectify what was left out. So what in today's terms should the First Amendment address further with more clarity for today's good-faith audience with a different education, experience, and world views? Yes, we need to know the intent of the entire Constitution, which might mean we might have to amplify every sentence anew today.
I assume most readers who are not reading with an agenda in mind want to see themselves as reading with good-faith. I'm wondering if somewhere good constitutional lawyers have made a crack at "amplifying" the First Amendment--and even the entire constitution, for today's citizenry. It may sound sacrilegious, but if the Trump era shows us anything, unarticulated norms are not enough when facing demagogues and would-be demagogues. Often, we don't know what we think and feel most deeply about the First Amendment until we actually see and hear our ideals put into words capable of guiding us through the real world.
As I watch current events, the country appears ungovernable because agreement about a common good has been replaced by a common egoic sophistry. Psychiatrists and epistemologists might help here. We may need an amplified US constitution rising from a broken nation. I'm sure there are drafts out there. I'd be curious what has been done specifically for the First Amendment.
I take your point. Perhaps you may do a search of the Internet with this question in mind. I have access to Google's AI "Gemini" (used to be Bard for only less than a year!). You might come up with specific websites with the general search. The AI might create something. Good luck!
To personalize so eloquently, in narrative form, the angst and pain inflicted upon one’s humanity that has been reduced to an abstract object by one’s oppressor, is an indomitable weapon that exposes, eviscerates and transcends the tragic, paradoxical reality of that oppressor’s recapitulation of the human horror visited upon their own ancestors 80 years ago. It is, in short, the psychological defeat of that oppressor’s material and mental armamentarium with a single pop of a metaphorical IED powered by genuine morality, wisdom and humanity.
Many thanks, Bandy, for sharing this epiphany.
1. Israel is an immoral and imperial state
2. Bibi is a Trumpian scoundrel who keeps Israel in perpetual conflict to long his political career. The corruption, bribery etc charges against Bibi are tip of the iceberg. His real crimes include treason, national sabotage and subversion (against Israeli state) and Wars of aggression and Genocide on international stage. If Bibi is deposed, he will face international war crime tribunal (ICJ or something like that) on world stage or otherwise he will face Israeli courts of his own country. Bibi (& his associates) are local as well as international criminals. If they step down, a prison cell awaits them.
3. Hamas is a terror organization. Originally developed as a 'controlled opposition' with assistance of Israeli regime to counter secular Palestinian authority. Hamas terrorists fanatics is an Israeli asset which helps Israel's foreign policy goals.
4. US also wants a permanent conflict in Middle east (ME). A stable ME will drift away from US & West (because of decades of imperial aggression of US in ME) and fall into sphere of influence of China &/or Russia.
5. Peaceful, seculars, intellectuals, intelligentsia of Palestine & Gaza is already murdered/assassinated by Israelis. Gaza people are helpless victims of terror organization of Hamas as well as Genocide by Israelis. Gaza people don't have any actual representative Govt which can pursue their interest.
1. Depose Hamas & handover Gaza to Palestinian authority. Most of Hamas top leadership resides in UAE, Qatar etc where these states temporize with Hamas for their own petty foreign policy objectives. An international consensus exists that Gaza should be handed over to Palestinian authority. Even US (as a figleaf of humanitarian rationality) is in favor of Palestinian take over of Gaza. So do it.
2. Depose Bibi (& his clique) and hand him over to ICJ. Charge him for war crimes, crimes against humanity and Genocide. Otherwise, depose Bibi to Israeli courts where he will also be charged for his crimes & corruption.
3. Implement two state solution where Israel & Palestine can co-exist peacefully. Various UN resolutions already exist on paper but never implemented. Make Jerusalem as independent mini state/city (like Vatican) which will be jointly governed by Palestine & Israel. Jews & Moslems will be free to exercise their religious rights peacefully.
4. US should give up its obsession of ME. If US wants to reconcile with ME, then participate in war torn nations of ME which have been destroyed by various aggression of US. Like a Marshall Plan for reconstruction of ME. US as well as China can both participate in progressive development of ME.
What is "Jew Jersey"? Some kind of Freudian slip, or something else?
Thank you for the correction! This essay was redacted by a Jewish friend, so as to keep the former student safe (in the end, she may have lost her tens of thousands in scholarship from the University, because she could not return from Gaza in time).
It is a great imperative to find ways to "love our enemies" - a deeper love for ourselves and our human vulnerability and shared humanity is a pathway -
Six Tips for Loving Your Enemies By Ravi Chandra
February 9, 2024
"Choosing love over hate can be difficult, but ultimately it may be the path to healing for ourselves and our society."
Meanwhile in the US of A our crisis grows ever larger thanks to giving the power of the Oval Office to the violence inducing MAGAt King for 4 longer years. Seems psychiatry should have listened more carefully to the knowledgeable Dr. Bandy Lee!! Ya think???!
I wonder what Hamas would make of this amazing woman's efforts to empower women. Bibi is an authoritarian fascist traitor war criminal
People only talk about the traumas & horrors of this never-ending war on both sides and not the SOLUTIONS... Why? What choices do both sides have? Being stuck in the prison of trauma doesn't create solutions... it just keeps us within a prison of hatred, anger, revenge, BLINDNESS to solutions & a never-ending nightmare called Hell on Earth. WHY HAVEN'T THE VARIOUS POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS BEEN ADOPTED after 60+ years of bloodshed/trauma??? Who is STOPPING the SOLUTIONS to peace/prosperity for everyone? There ARE solutions!