You spoke early and often about Trump and here we are. We are so splintered by empowering entertainment disguised as journalism, mental health experts, historians, legal experts that ignore academics and experts like you are ignored, especially from the field of mental health.

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it's understood why you'd focus on the *larger picture, but your perspective on America's family court system is valuable, timely.

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Yes indeed. And, I would like to recommend that everyone learn about ICWA (Indian Child Welfare Act), its repercussions for Indian Country and civil rights broadly. This Land is a podcast I recently discovered that educates the public about ICWA (in this case huge law firms that represent the fossil fuel industry, disguising themselves as family law experts) but as the series goes on The Trojan Horse (Episode 6, Season 2) outlines the ultimate power of many wealthy, conservative organizations and members of our society whose greed, racism and ignorance benefits the few at the expense of the majority. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/this-land/id1464954218

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Yikes...I didn't realize it was so bad. Another psychopath in office threatens the world; of course we mental health professionals need to warn. Can we just send your newsletter to every publication in the U.S.?

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