Sep 9Edited

The APA's rewriting and promotion of the "Goldwater Rule" to make it harder for psychiatrists to warn the public about the danger of a public figure reminds me of Ralph Waldo Emerson's comment that “an institution is the lengthened shadow of one man,” which is another way to say institutions are all-too-easily instruments of Ego.

A serious weakness in our psychiatry is our inability to appreciate how easily rational thought pursuing truth is contaminated by our subconscious, self-oriented Ego.

Ego evaluates and sees truth in terms of itself. Freud's articulation of the dynamics of Self as being a product of Ego/SuperEgo/Id is an Egoic view of humanity. The triumvirate of Ego/SuperEgo/Id gives equal weight to all three, allowing Ego to run amuck. In an Egoic society, truth is the first victim.

Psychology needs a Copernican revolution where we recognize Self does not revolve around Ego, but amidst truth other than itself.

Acknowledging truth requires identifying, sidelining, seeing-through, taming, and even participating in the annihilation of our subconscious Ego, revealing a different view of existence. Practicing psychology, science or, spirituality without Ego is as socially radical an idea as Ralph Waldo Emerson's philosophy.

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Dr. Lee, several years ago, a physician-author published a book (which you might know) called “The Emperor of Maladies: A Biography of Cancer”, that won the Pulitzer Prize for Non-Fiction in 2011. The title suggested to me that Trump, being a mental cancer, might aptly be called “The Emperor of Psychological Maladies” for purposes of the Conference or otherwise.

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Or "The Emperor of Psychopathology"

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Thank you, Dr. Lee. May the good work continue going forward!

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If one is writing a post for X or Facebook, etc, what might be some relevant, articulate hashtags? Can we express in three words or less a memorable (meme-worthy) #wittyMemorable hashtag to deliver to those open and those also in need of hearing. I’m sure we want to reach those most in need but a strategy might include bringing on board an expanded yet undecided but open Twitter audience. This could be an opportune moment, post debate, to demonstrate with a few words what we’re facing if Trump wins. I might be tempted to use #TrumpContagion but this phrase is non specific for this use though I believe it’s just fine for inclusion in white papers and books. Trump is always stealing others’ phrases and turning them into either ugliness or making them self congratulatory. In this case he could easily appropriate such a phrase for his own glory. But for whatever reason, I seem to be stuck there. I’m sure this audience is clever enough to turn a phrase fitting this historical moment and tying it in with Dr. Lee’s work. I’m hopeful that brilliance will be shared here.

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To clarify, looking for a hashtag-able phrase to describe Dr. Lee’s work, this Trump contagion, and its impact on people (Abbott, Paxton, et al).

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